Haiku rationale.




This is a poem about this person who really loves the season of spring. This person shows what she likes about spring and what she really feels about spring. Which expresses it in a short way, this poem is about how she thinks of this particular season, and she writes what she feels about it and the first thing that comes to her mind.

The thing that inspired me to write this poem were the flowers and trees around the ISU campus. They looked and made the campus beautiful, and they are really helpful to us. I thought that I could write about them because in this school for example they are a source of pollination for bees, so that they could make honey which we eat. We exchange carbon dioxide with them for oxygen in order to grow fruits for us.

The topic of this poem is beauty.

The intended tone i wanted the readers to have was jolliness.

Then the intended mood I wanted them to have was happy and bright.

The message for the reader was, it doesn’t matter whether you’re beautiful or ugly on the outside what matters is what is in the inside that makes you happy jolly and bright to be yourself.

I used assonance in the first line I wanted to use this to support the theme because the person is describing to the reader the things that she likes about spring this supports the theme because we should like ourselves for who we are.

