Jeanne Couffon “Mystery of Words”

The love has destroyed who I was but made me today who I am. No matter how you feel do not give up it is only a bad day but remember that it is not a bad life. Read , find the meaning and it will make sense. Only one discover can mean a hall poem.

This is my Concrete.

This is my free verse

This is my limerick.

This is my Ode.

This is my sonnet.

This is my Ballad.

This is my slam!

This is my Haiku.

I chose this specific free verse: “Our Dividers”. This poem is about slaves and their abuse. I chose this poem because it is about a strong subject that certain people face and I wanted to write about this perspective because I think it is very important. Through my writing, people will understand how important it is and sad because the slave has no choice to stay. This theme inspired me because I like dark and controversial subjects. I think they are the most interesting topics because they are the most dangerous or surprising. The topic of this free verse is slave I set a blue tone and I would like my audience to feel an unhappy, gloomy mood. The message or theme of this poem is be aware for what is happening in the world, it can happen to anyone. In the beginning of my first stanza I used a repetition “ I can remember” It helped me set my tone/mood because it was in the past and so the audience should see that the slave wants to go back home. I also used quotation marks for”my” house” because it makes it more confusing because the slave doesn’t know where his house is anymore. I changed Parents and siblings to family because it makes it more a close group of people that you’re missing, and I also added … to make it mysterious because you don’t know what will happen.

I also chose this specific slam “I am tired”, this poem is about how I feel. I wrote this poem a week ago for fun. I chose this poem because I am growing up and this is really how I feel so it is helping express my feelings and people understand me better. This topic inspired me because There is a lot of times where I give up and I am just tired but I tell myself to stay strong so I wrote my slam about it. The topic of my slam is about giving up, being tired of things. The tone I set in my poem is anger and cross and I would like my reader to feel angry. The message for the reader is do not give up stay strong even if don’t enjoy your life. I made few changes in my poem I used repetition in some stanzas to make the tone more rush and my mood more tiring I also changed some words to make some stanzas rhyme so that it makes my slam more like an angry slam. I also used … to make my slam more mysterious.

