Nazim Cisse: Lies with Seams of Sadness

Nazim Cisse
Digital Anthology of Poetry (gr 7)
4 min readJun 5, 2017

This is my digital anthology of poetry.

Descriptive Nature Poem(s)

Found Poem

If you couldn’t read the poem, below is a transcript:

Jabberwocky Illustration

This is an illustration of how I interpreted Lewis Carroll’s The Jabberwocky. First I will show you the poem just to get an idea of how I interpreted it. Enjoy.

The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

Green Line from What For by Garrett Hongo

In this part I will put my green line from the poem What For by Garrett Hongo.

Slam Poem:

Below is my Slam Poem, entitled : That sinking feeling

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Found poem

It was similar to the type of poem I would personally create. The way the poet uses the language in describing the non-living objects makes it seem almost real.

It is in one stanza because the poet does not have a lot to say but in saying so little, portrays a lot.

I took E.E Cummings’ poem and crossed out some words.

The new poem talks about a butterfly flying that gains sentient and it can hear everything but as it flies near to the stars, it can’t hear a thing.

The shape of the new poem physically takes up the fluttering of the butterfly.


In this illustration, I chose the “jabberwocky” to be a snake with wings, teeth, scales and claws and it breathes fire.

The boy with his “vorpal sword” is remembering his father’s warning about the “jabberwocky” while riding a pig.

The “mome raths outgrabe” is a hill where moles and rats live.

The “jubjub bird” is on a branch nearby saying “jubjub” because it’s what it does.

The “bandersnatch” is at the bottom of the hill. It’s praying that the boy loses the fight so it can take his money.

Green line poem from Garret Hongo’s What For

I choose this line because at the time I was learning about the “Black death” epidemic that spread in Europe. I learned that the plague consisted of Bubonic and Pneumonic plague.

The line “The clang of pneumatic drills” remaindered me of it.

Descriptive Nature poems

These poems were all adapted from scenarios from nature and partially from my experiences. The Sky Blue poem reminds me of people I once saw sky diving. The skies were blue and refreshing and the people seemed excited even though they were wearing masks. Their body language said so much about how they felt.

The second poem Antz, was just in the moment when ants were crawling on a library wall. I was taken back to a time when I was having a picnic and within two minutes ants had invaded the food. The ants were ferrying the food towards the anthill nearby.

There is no real reason why I chose to use the letter “z” at the end of the word “Antz” instead of an “s.”

Slam poem: That Sinking Feeling

I chose to write about the experiences I was undergoing. As child I felt as if I was treated unfairly because am treated like am less of a person than others because they have lived longer. The feeling makes me feel as if I should be older but at the same time being older provides responsibilities and that takes away our freedom.

I tried hoping for a change but it did not work then I tried to fix the situation by actually trying hard in class and being a better student.

It did not work but I kept trying anyway.


