Miracle Isaac: School Divergence

Polished poems

The First Day of School

Enter school
You’re nervous like a newly born puppy
Meeting new students
Learning algebra, medieval Europe and David Bowie
Thinking critically
Your brain is a hockey puck!

You meet new teachers
Who are as happy as a sandboy
Write in colorful books
Get help in assignments
Like in math, science and English
Eat spicy crispy delicious food

You make caring and loving friends
You get treated in a special way
You move in a group
Like ants in a colony
And tour the campus
As Green as a park
Excited and proud!

Quickly get used to the environment
Their different actions and behavior

So if it is your first day at school,
JUST KEEP CALM and relate with your new friends
And your day will be cool.

Why are people different

People are different because
They are created differently,
Some people are short and others are tall.
Some people are dark skinned and others are light skinned.
Even twins who are born together
Have different characters
And behaviors.

People are different
Because of their different cultures.
Ugandans are different from
Kenyans, Rwandans and Americans
People have different religions.
Muslims go for prayers on Friday
Christians go for prayers on Sunday
7 day Adventists go for prayers on Saturday
Christians use bibles
Muslims use the Quran
All these factors make them different

People are different because of their backgrounds
Some people think negatively
join terrorist groups
kill innocent people
involve themselves in gangs
who deal in drugs like Cocaine or Marijuana
the worst thing is that some of these people
are highly educated
when they finish their studies
and fail to get employed, they join the streets

People are different because of their professions
Some people are doctor’s nurses, engineers, surgeons, teachers
Cleaners gardeners, drivers and house keepers

Language makes people different
People in villages use their mother tongue
While those in cities use English

Therefore people are different because of the way they were created

Their culture



And education

We are all different but

We still have to live in the same world

Performance Poem


Digitized drafts

Shape poem
Slam poem
Jabbererwocky illustration

