Roelf: One Place; Countless Stories

Roelf Munting
Digital Anthology of Poetry (gr 7)
4 min readJun 2, 2016

Polished poems

Flower in the Moss
Flower in the moss
How did you get stuck;
how much of your life
have you consumed
in the moss?

Are you watching?;
Watching your flower friends
free to to the world?
but you; pinned to the moss.

Your alluring petals ripped up in the moss;
the wind blows
a gentle little breeze;
a breeze that might get you;
out of the moss.

The one handed axe
the slightest stroke can
crush a man’s skull into many segments
of calcium and blood.

This weapon is known for
range speed and for
being fatal to the the people
thrown at.

Its lifeless soul gains pleasure from
assassinating the faultless.

Performance Poem


live life to the fullest
be yourself be inspiring
be as extraordinary as you can.

When you feel down
do something that makes you

Take a stand
show the people
that being an
individual is more beautiful
than people using body products,
photo shop, plastic surgery;

then posting themselves online hoping to get famous;
after realizing
that their pictures
have no significant meaning
no sentimental value;
people look and see
a person
who spends time of their life
to become a cheap knock off of what people
seem to call a hero.
If you have accepted my offer be yourself and be happy.


Working on my slam poem felt like i was writing something important and meaningful. It also felt good take make my polished poems because looking at them from before makes me feel like I’ve learned something, because the words are more descriptive and add extra tempo to the poems.

I feel good about my poems because they really show what i have learned from when i did the drafts. They are good because of the detail and the word i used are word i would normally not use witch shows that i have learned simple word can be good but you also need word for the speed.

when revising i know that the changes are good because to see how it changed from the draft it feels like I’ve done something worth the effort. i also know by the way it sounds and how the meaning has been adapted too.

its important for grade 6 to know that the drafts are not that important but it is important to pick a good poem that will show how much you have learned and polish it. and in the polished poems they should use word they have learned.

Digitized Drafts:

Did anything happen?

Nothing. When i noticed you left i gave up.

Everything. We learned to save ourselves from falling.

Nothing. When you left without us we began from the basics. What happened wouldn't matter even you we here.

Everything. A mystic being came from the heavens to tell us the secrets on how to be the best.

playing far cry
taming the blood-fang tiger
it was not easy

Figurative poem

He is as skilled as a humming bird
in the art of flight.
He is strong and brave like a tiger.
He slides and glides through the vast lands
of built around pow pow.

