Saron Addisu
Digital Anthology of Poetry (gr 7)
6 min readJun 1, 2017



At 9 I lived for dancing

How a part of your body

Can move in different ways

And make different shapes

How on part of your body can do something and another can do something

How a beat drops and you follow the rhythm like the sea follows the airs rhythm.

I lived for traveling

On the foggy mist air

In between the clouds

Spinning in the clouds like those army jets

Thinking of how people fly those things.

wishing I was better

making planes with pillow pretending like we were pilots.

I lived for the sea,

Shore and the blue sky

Water reflecting the sky’s color

Hearing the splash against the beach sand

And sitting on the wet air

Sharing a laugh about crazy thing we did

Taking pictures for the gram

Trying to get the perfect video for snap chat

Racing to see the small animals in the sea

I lived for the rain

We would always call each other when we saw the clouds gathering around

We would tell our parents we won’t get wet but once we got out no one would stop us

Splashing the puddles till our pants got soaked and our hair got frizzy

Chasing each other from one side and to the other

Splashing each other till on of s cried.

But even if we did all these thing then

People will say this is not the writing things to do

But we don’t care about what people say

We still run around the rain splashing around and still took pictures

We make each second count by traveling for making cool thing

Dance to the trend song and create our own

No one stopped us then and no one will stop us ever


Did you clean your room.

Definitely. I wanted to make you proud so I did all our

laundry and clean my room as well as the bathroom.

Of course not. I was tired so I took a bath bomb bath.

And had a crazy dance party in my room with a “couple” of friends.

The kitchen was a mess we were gonna clean up but we got tired.

Definitely. I also made new DIY’s from YouTube and decorated the house.

I also got new bed sheets and gave my room space for dancing and gymnastics.

But I needed permission to change up the whole house.

Of course not. I had to finish 15 episodes of the flash.

And download music from Spotify.

I also got concert tickets for the new boy band.


Nothing. when you saw me suffer and cry

You just pretended I was no one and walked away

like a stranger

Everything. Instead of stopping yourself

and helping me you joined them to see what they do

And make it look natural and okk

Nothing. no of the people will actually be your friends

You just wanted to fit in to be called one of the cool people

But you didn’t realize they were hurting you more than you helped them.

Everything. Even when I gave you a sing you ignored it but knew what was happening.

Some broke our spirit, some broke our heart but some broke our soul

and you were helping them. You could have chosen to be a better

person but devotedly weren’t.

Nothing. When people turned their backs you needed some on.

I was there for you but you kept going away I tried to love you

But haha NO.

Everything. Nothing happens when you were there. You just look at me not helping me

but that didn’t affect me. How can anything occur when you are there.

But I got hurt and you didn’t help me.

That was why I looked up to you some you can have my back

But you weren’t there

The one time I needed you.

Slam poem

A big curse to human life

Prevails the human

Starvation privation depletion abjection just because of it.

People dying on streets but we say nothing wishing this doesn’t happen to us

Instead of giving them food or helping them we roll our eyes and just turn our backs.

Necessitous of a person unsatisfied and no one looks out for them

Constantly moving from one place to another making each step count

They look for food places you wouldn’t

Wealthy people gormandizing and not giving anything to help

Wonder what they would do if they were in your position.

Something that man made

Going without food for day or months

Not having close to wear after you have shower

And that is even if you have shower

Diseases attacking the body

They didn’t know what to do

Couldn’t find cures or medicine

At least if we helped each other this wouldn’t happen

Passing a crying lady because you’re embarrassed to be seen helping.

People only care about the trends and fashion.

People say love is important but there just saying it not applying it.

If they loved poverty wouldn’t be a word .

But people ignore what they need to help and help what already has help.

11.3 percent of the world hungry

Many people sleep hungry at night

But wealthy people eat dinner about twice

If you would give half of your meal to one hungry person imagine the blessings you get

But we chose to ignore it

Give some and get some

That way poverty will be gone


Working on my poem was good because we were creating our own story and expressing how we feel. I think my poem are good I say this because of the figurative language I used also the creativity that I had to use and put in the poem.

The first drafts were really not from my head I just wrote them down and that is one thing I would improve on: thinking of what to write, writing ideas, writing the word I would use and think of big word. One the first draft that I developed (what for poem and nothing everything poem) I had to change some of the small word to complicated words. So in my poem I would say it revising made my poem better. Including correcting the words and adding a little bit of humor in it and correcting the grammar.

When I was writing my poem there were some difficulties: finding a good descriptive word for some word because with smaller word the poem would just be a nursery rhyme, another thing is finding good content (topic) was hard because when you share ideas with your friends and talk about what you do they might be doing the same thing so you might be like I want an original work so I will change it. for my polished poems I didn’t have to revise as much because if I polished to much it would be really bad.

When I wrote my poems one thing that I have learned was using correct grammar from the beginning instead of revising a lot of time. Also another thing is when you write a poem digits as soon as you finish because if you do you work and don’t digits you might forget to put your poem one the website.


Nature poem
found poem
jaberwok illustration
Unreliable poem
nothing everything poem
nothing everything poem
another nothing everything poem
what for poems

