UX project: mobile application “Keep fit”

Today we are in a situation when all gyms close worldwide because of COVID-19. But the people continue to do sport at home. They need a plan of workouts that will compensate for a lack of real pieces of training in the gym. Therefore, the theme of sports was chosen within the course “DIGITAL PRODUCT DESIGN”.

First Step. Product design

In the first stage, it is necessary to understand the business goals of the project, who will use it and in what conditions.

Business goals and requirements

Goal: Design a mobile app for home workouts.

Main tasks: Forming a workout plan according to the user needs.

General requirements:
1. Users should be able to indicate their goals and basic body parameters.
2. The system should form a training plan by the user’s goals.
3. The service should remind users of upcoming workouts.
4. The service should count the calories burned to motivate the user.
5. The user must be able to track weight changes.

Research of target audience

Target audience: People between the ages of 20 and 55. The real-time interviews and online poll were conducted. All questions were open-ended, which makes it possible to get a detailed answer from the respondent.

During the research, I used the following tools and sources to obtain information:

  • Interviews with people on the sports ground;
  • Interview with friends who do sport;
  • Interview with gym employees;
  • Online survey created with Google Forms and posted on social networks: Facebook and Telegram ;
  • Review of competing applications and reviews about them in the App Store and Google PlayMarket: Nike training app, BTFIT app, Fiton app, FITplans app, Gymondo, Koboko fitness app, BodyFX, FITCOACH.

Real-time interview


  1. What kind of exercises do you prefer?

2. Where do you prefer to workout?

3. Do you like to workout in a gym or at home? Why?

4. Did you continue to workout at home when the gyms closed because of COVID-19?

5. What difficulties do you face when finding an online workout?

6. On which device do you enable workouts?

During the interview, the following general problems were identified:
- Due to COVID-19, people do not have the opportunity to fully engage in sports in the gym. Gyms are periodically closed and subject to a number of restrictions.
- Some people do not like to play in a group, so they prefer to do sports at home.
- Many people, even without taking into account the situation with COVID-19, work a lot and do not have time to go to the sports gym.
- The category of moms also prefer a workout at home, because they do not have enough time to go to the gym.
- The problem is finding worthy exercises from a large number of proposals.
- In an application or on Youtube there are too intense exercises, which only for thin people.

Online poll

The online poll was created on the base of Google forms. The poll was conducted over several days.

Online poll

What kinds of sports do people prefer when online workout?
About 39% — yoga, about 39% — fitness. The rest of the kind sports divided the remaining percentages among themselves.

Almost 74% of people practice sports through recorded online courses, challenges, etc. Only about 17% prefer a live workout with a trainer.

What platform or gadget people prefer to do sports through?

About 56% prefer mobile apps. About 26% prefer web services. 4% download video workouts on their gadgets, the rest % prefer to have several options.

What problems do people face during the online workout?

  • Lack of motivation, concentration, laziness.
  • Too intense exercise, the fast transition between exercises.
  • Poor explanation of the exercises.
  • Many apps don’t have a free trial.

People who practice online sports, they are between the ages of 18 and 50 years old. Mostly these are women (about 64%).

So, let’s conclude.
People who prefer to do sports online, they choose mainly fitness or yoga. And they do it using recorded online workouts via a mobile phone.


Based on the data received, 3 personas were created. The main persona is Anna Kon. She is an active, cheerful woman who is satisfied with her own life but she wants to keep fit and feel more energetic. Anna doesn’t want to stop at one level, she wants to improve her endurance.

All three personas have different goals in life: weight loss, keep fit, build muscles.

Analysis of existing competitors

Several applications were analyzed. The main problems that many of them have:

  • Lack of free trial content.
  • Inconvenient navigation.
  • Inconvenient search.
  • Drawn video exercises.

Generation of ideas

Starting to form the craziest ideas with the help of the tool XMind.

Product Requirements

Based on these ideas, need to create requirements for the product.

User scenarios, user flow

User scenarios are the first thing to start designing a future product. Here are 3 main scenarios that the user will go through when using this application.

  1. The first launch of the application, the first workout
  1. Spring. There are more sunny days. This means that the summer season and the time for vacations will come soon. Anna waits for a summer vacation. She bought a new swimsuit and promised herself to tighten her figure for summer and lose the extra 3 kg. After work at home, Anna lies on the sofa and browses the Facebook feed, she sees an advertisement for a sports app on Facebook. She downloads and opens the app on her phone.
  2. Anna sets her basic goals to shape her workout plan.
  3. The system generates training sessions for Anna. She has to do 4 different sets of exercises every day. Exercises are randomized every day.
  4. Anna opens the first set of exercises, she plays a video of the first exercise and begins to repeat after the woman, who explains and demonstrates each exercise. Thus, Anna finishes all the exercises from the first set and moves on to the second set. Over some time, Anna completes all 4 sets of exercises.
  5. As soon as she finishes the workout, she receives a message “Well done!!!” and a sticker. She is glad she mastered the exercises. And she is in a hurry to tell her friend.

2. Regular workouts

  1. A warm spring evening. For several days Anna has been doing the exercises from the workout plan. One of these days Anna returns from work, turns on the TV, takes her phone out of her bag, and immediately receives a message on her phone, “You have a workout in half an hour.” She rests for half an hour, watches TV, and changes into sportswear.
  2. Finally, Anna turns off the TV and opens the app.
  3. Opens a list of exercise complexes, Anna looks at exercises with interest for the current day.
  4. Anna opens the first set of exercises, she plays a video of the first exercise and begins to repeat after the woman, who explains and demonstrates each exercise. Thus, Anna finishes all the exercises from the first set and moves on to the second set. Over some time, Anna completes all 4 sets of exercises.
  5. As soon as she finishes the workout, she receives a message “Well done!!!” and a sticker appropriate for her beginner level.
  6. Anna measures her weight after training, as well as other body parameters and records them in the application. She seems on the graph that her weight is gradually decreasing. She feels a surge of energy, she is pleased with herself. Anna puts her phone down and walks to the shower after her workout.

3. Moving to the next level of workouts / Purchase of workout plan

  1. One month has passed since the start of the workout. Spring is still outside. Anna comes home from work and thinks that she completed the beginner workout plan. She feels energized after every workout. She can continue to workout at the beginner level, but Anna feels that exercises are easy for her and she wants to move to another level in order to consolidate the result. At home, Anna takes out her phone and opens the application.
  2. Anna completed 30 days of workouts. All workouts are marked as completed.
  3. After the last day of workout, Anna sees the offer to move to the second workout level and complicate the task. She decides to agree to this proposal.
  4. She chooses a plan for 30 days. She confirms the choice of the plan.
  5. She enters her details and her bank payment details. And she confirms the payment.
  6. A new set of exercises for 30 days is opened.
  7. Anna opens the first set of exercises, she plays a video of the first exercise and begins to repeat after the woman, who explains and demonstrates each exercise. Thus, Anna finishes all the exercises from the first set and moves on to the second set. Over some time, Anna completes all 4 sets of exercises.
  8. After finishing the workout, Anna receives the message “Well done!!!” and a new sticker. Anna smiles, she feels even more energetic and happy. She puts her phone down and goes to the shower.

When Anna is just getting acquainted with the application, the first level is available to her for free. She plays sports regularly and finishes her 30-day workout. Anna wants to progress and lose weight, so she buys the next level of more intense workouts. And so, every time when she finishes a set of workouts, Anna buys access to a new level in order to increase the load.

Second step. Interaction design

Technical requirements

  • The application must be implemented for Android.
  • The app must support English.
  • Application design is made for a minimum resolution of 320 x 480 pixels with the option of stretching the design to fit other screens.
  • The main menu should be at the bottom of the screen (this is a prerogative for smartphones with large screens).
  • Viewing all training days should be by swiping from right to left.
    Service should display correctly and tested on devices: Android device (mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi)
  • Service design must comply with Google Material Design Guidelines.
    Paying for workout plan using Google pay.
  • After authorization, the application must save the user’s settings.

Information architecture and functionality of the product

Creating a detailed information architecture, trying not to miss important things.


I tried to draw sketches on paper. Then I found for iPad the interesting application Ideate, which allowed me to create several screens versions.


When there is an idea of how many screens there will be, can start prototyping. In the process, the Figma tool was used. See the interactive prototype.

Navigation map

Here are the main scenarios on the navigation map. In the process of drawing up a map, we can see which screens are absent for the full picture.

At the registration stage, I showed the main errors that the user can see if some data has not been validated. Next, according to three main user scenarios, I showed the user path through the screens.

Prototype Testing Scenarios

To test the prototype, scripts were created. The potential user must follow them while using the prototype.

The first launch of the application, the first workout

1. Open the app. You are at the signup page

2. Make register

3. Set goal for a workout:

  • weight loss
  • level: beginner
  • gender: female
  • birthday
  • height: 170 cm
  • weight: 60 kg
  • desired weight: 55 kg

4. Start your first workout

5. Finish your first workout

6. Upload your photo “before”

Regular workout

  1. Open the app. You are on the training page.
  2. Start your workout
  3. Finish workout
  4. See your progress. Record your current weight
  5. Upload your photo after

Moving to the next level of workouts / Purchase of workout plan

  1. Open the app. You are on the training page.
  2. You finished the workout plan. Go to purchase a plan page
  3. Select the plan
  4. Pay the workout plan
  5. Start your new workout
  6. Finish workout

Adding not system workout in the schedule

  1. Open the app. You are on the training page.
  2. Open your schedule and add the new workout
  3. Enter title, type of workout “Running”, select days Mon and Thu, select time period, and set the reminder
  4. Save changes.

Edit a schedule

  1. Open the app. You are on the training page.
  2. Open your schedule and edit your first workout, set the reminder
  3. Save changes

Changing password

  1. Open the app. You are on the training page.
  2. Go to a profile page
  3. Change the password and save it.

Viewing information about the app

  1. Open the app. You are on the training page.
  2. See app settings

After testing, some pain points were identified, which were corrected immediately after testing the prototype.


The most colorful and final part. Three color options of the app were carried out. I stopped at the last one, which is presented in the image.

