Grow Your Business With Facebook Live

Use The Most Engaged Content On Facebook To Build Your Empire.

Darryl MacDonald
Digital Profit Lab
3 min readJul 31, 2018


Facebook live presents one of the best opportunities to build a community and grow your brand or business on social media. Live video is the most engaged type of content on Facebook and is 3x more likely to get viewed than regular video.

This presents a tremendous opportunity to showcase your business and connect with your audience on a highly engaged platform. Live video gives you the ability to connect with your audience in an authentic way that provides value and happens in real time.

Most brands or businesses can benefit from incorporating a live video strategy into their marketing game plan. The best way to increase brand awareness and build an audience is to connect with them. Facebook gives you that opportunity and building a strategy that converts has never been easier.

Why Facebook Live Needs To Be A part Of Your Strategy:

Drive Engagement: People comment and share live video on Facebook more than any other content. This gives you the ability to harness your audience and drive organic growth.

Higher Engagement: Live video on Facebook is watched 3x more than any other content. Because the content gets higher engagement, it is worth developing a strategy to connect with more people.

Audience Growth: Live video will help to build a larger audience because of the engagement rate. More people watch, comment on and share live video than any other content and that makes it a smart play for your business.

Build Relationships: Because live video is authentic and happens in real time, you have a better opportunity to connect with your audience and build a real relationship with them. Success comes from community and live video is the best tool you have to serve them.

Boost Organic reach: Because people comment on and share live video more than other content, it is a good strategy to boost your organic reach.

Paid Strategies: Facebook live video presents a number of paid ad strategies. Some of the best include — boosting your live stream event to get more viewers and boosting your highest engaged live video posts as boosted content.

Live Interactions: Live video gives you the ability to connect with your followers and answer their questions or react to their comments. This also gives you tremendous insight into how you can better serve your community.

Schedule Your Broadcasts: Facebooks API allows publishers the ability to schedule live streams in advance so you can let your community know when you will be live. This strategy will increase your number of viewers you get and increases engagement.

Create Live Events: Create an event and stream it live using Facebook. You can also boost the event to increase the number of viewers using paid ad strategies.

Facebook Groups: Facebook live is a great tool to serve your private Facebook groups. You can host live Q and A’s or build membership communities and charge a subscription fee.

Analytics: Facebook provides the metrics you need to determine the effectiveness of your live videos. These stats include peak live viewers, minutes viewed, unique viewers, views, 10 second views and average % completion.

Developing a Facebook live strategy can be an extremely effective way to build an engaged community and grow your audience. Take the opportunity to connect your business with more people and start to build the types of connections your business need to get more attention, increase leads and drive more sales.

If you would like to learn more about how you can win with live video, connect with me here.



Darryl MacDonald
Digital Profit Lab

Founder @digitalprofitlab. Host of the Digital Profit Lab Podcast. I help brands and businesses leverage the power of digital marketing.