Is Instagram Replacing YouTube?

What you need to know and why you need a strategy Win.

Darryl MacDonald
Digital Profit Lab
3 min readJul 11, 2018


Instagram just released a new feature called IGTV which allows users to post long form video (up to an hour) that never expires.

What makes this such a big deal, is that until now, YouTube was the place everyone went for longer form video content.

The problem with that is, if you don’t already have an audience on YouTube, it’s very difficult to get any engagement.

With the introduction of IGTV to the market, Instagram is taking YouTube head on.

This creates a tremendous opportunity for people with smaller audiences or no audiences at all to get started because the platform is still new and growing.

This opportunity can create massive gains for your brand or business because you can get the attention you need to build and grow your audience.

To seize this opportunity you will need a strategy that grabs viewers attention and keeps them coming back for more.

People want to be entertained when they are on social media so it’s important that you provide epic value to your audience.

Give them a reason to come back and consume your content.

When you develop your strategy it’s important to always ask the question? Why am I creating this content? What result am I trying to achieve by producing it?

This is why it is important to provide value to your audience. If it has a positive impact on your audience, it will get results. If you produce good content, you will win the long game.

Social media gives us all the ability to tell our story and communicate with people.

There has never been a better opportunity than now for us to connect our business with more people.

IGTV will give us the ability to tell our story and connect with more people on the most engaged social media platform in the world.

Take advantage of this huge opportunity and start thinking of ways you can use IGTV to communicate with more people and build a bigger audience of engaged fans who want to do business with you.

Now is the time to take advantage of IGTV. Start researching possible show ideas and develop a strategy that will entertain and add value.

Don’t let your business get left behind. Start making the type of content that will get your business in front of more people and start making a bigger impact in your business.

The opportunities we need to succeed are all around us.

Right now is an exciting time and opportunity to get attention and connect with more people.

Develop a strategy to win now and into the future. Leverage the power of IGTV and start building a better business today.

To learn more about how you can succeed with IGTV and social media follow @digitalprofitlab on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.



Darryl MacDonald
Digital Profit Lab

Founder @digitalprofitlab. Host of the Digital Profit Lab Podcast. I help brands and businesses leverage the power of digital marketing.