From graduate to manager: Andrew’s IT Graduate experience

10 years ago Andrew Messer joined the Queensland Government via the IT Graduate Program.

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Digital Queensland


Today, he manages the Application Services Unit within the ICT branch of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and has just employed a graduate of his own.

Michael studied a Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Software Engineering at The University of Queensland and joined the QCAA team as a graduate in February 2017.

What have you and Michael been working on together?

We have a major program of work replacing QCAA’s ICT systems to support the transition over to the Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks (ATAR) system. Michael has been working on the existing Student Connect system, and will soon work on the new version of this software.

Andrew with his graduate Michael (centre)

How has your graduate added value to your team and work?

Michael has proven himself to be a capable developer and a fast learner. He has been delivering high quality work while collaborating with the team and helping everyone complete their tasks.

Do you think graduates have a role in helping to advance Queensland’s digital future?

Graduates show great potential and are a great source of up-and-coming talent. I joined the graduate program 10 years ago, and now enjoy my role in managing the team, hiring more graduates.

What do you see is the value of the IT Graduate Program?

It’s great to have a program specifically catering to the needs of the ICT industry in government. The program also delivers a group of well-suited candidates, which means recruitment is easier.

The IT Graduate Program 2017 cohort

If I was thinking of taking on a graduate for the 2018 intake, what would you tell me?

Get your funding, create the position and make it happen — it’s definitely worth it.

Describe Michael in 3 words.

Conscientious, capable, committed.

Visit the QGCIO website to find out more about hiring an IT Graduate like Michael.



Digital Queensland
Digital Queensland

We share stories about the Queensland Government’s digital inclusion initiatives and the amazing work of Queenslanders in the digital space.