The State of Digital Marketing in 2020

Waheed Iqbal
Digital Realm
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

The importance of digital marketing in 2020 is undeniable. It’s not just about maintaining a passive digital presence online, digital marketing strategy is rapidly becoming an integral part of almost every business these days.

And most importantly, the incredible rise of new marketing software clearly indicates that digital is now the main battlefield in terms of effective marketing.

Despite the pandemic & the economic recession, digital marketing in 2020 across all channels is still going strong. Find more about the state of digital Ad spend in the second quarter of 2020 in this eMarketer report.

Why Digital is Better?

Digital is where people live. Search, email, social and mobile provide immense opportunities in getting qualified leads & relevant traffic. But, the most important aspect of digital marketing is that it is quantifiable in every sense of measurement.

The abundance of analytics data makes it possible to measure success & get actionable insights with ease. This data also allows marketers to effectively determine the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and Return on Investment (ROI).

Digital is Effective but Not Easy

The digital band wagon is in full swing this year. But, this rapid adoption comes with many misconceptions as well. Many executives shifting to digital for the first time genuinely believe that digital will enable massive growth with little or no investment.

While this may be true in some rare and exceptional cases, but most of the times it requires comprehensive planing, a lot of patience and several optimized reiterations before getting the desired results. Digital marketing is real hard work and certainly not easy.

What is the Right Tool Set for Digital Marketing?

Given the huge options in marketing software, choosing the right tools for digital marketing efforts can be really hard. Before choosing any tools for digital marketing it is essential to make sure that your business goals, digital strategy and execution are completely synchronized.

The perfect tool set for your digital marketing campaigns will depend on your set goals, target audience and selected KPIs for measuring success. The type of business model and marketing budget also impact your tool selection.

Giving consideration to all important variables the perfect tool set enables marketers to easily implement and adjust their campaign efforts in line with their marketing goals.

The New Mainstream

The digital landscape in 2020 is getting more competitive. Effective strategies for meaningful execution & better results will ultimately depend on giving top priority to digital & online marketing.

Because, digital is the new mainstream.



Waheed Iqbal
Digital Realm

Digital marketing & growth hacking professional. Knows about SEO, SEM, Email & Content Strategy. Likes to write about digital, blockchain and cyber-security.