Being first on Google search engine

Ivan Vučković
Digital Reflections
3 min readFeb 17, 2020


Photo from Stack Exchange

How do you get to that valuable first position that brings in a lot of clients? What methods can you use to improve your position on Google Search Engine and how to launch your business into a market leadership position?

Google search engine is extremely popular with users and is actually the starting point from which every adventure of internet users begins. Whether searching for a product, service, or something else, the user is likely to first search for it through Google search. The data shows that

The first gold position is worth it

When looking at the results that Google displays after typing in a particular term, we are already accustomed to showing 2–3 advertisements in the first positions, or paid AdWords campaign ads. Interestingly, over time, users have learned to subconsciously skip such ads, and rarely do they click on the ad. Recent research shows that only a few percent (2–4%) of people click on an ad, and most users immediately go to the first relevant organic result in Google searches.

The first position on Google search engine brings in as much as 35 percent of clicks from users searching for something on Google, and with each subsequent position, the percentage of people who click on a search result decreases. For example, only 17 percent of people will click on the second result, 12 percent on the third, etc. We believe that you now understand why it is important to be first on Google search engine.

But this is not the end of the story, because the first position on Google search engine is free. So, the first, and every subsequent position on Google will not cost you anything, the moment you manage to reach it. This is much better and longer-term, unlike the huge amount of money spent on paid advertising through various digital channels, where the effect of new customer arrivals ceases when the money ceases to pay for advertising.

How to be first on Google search engine?

Given the potential offered by a good position at Google, SEO optimization has evolved over the years. This is a set of research and activities, whose common goal is to do everything possible to get a particular website to the top positions on Google search engine.

SEO first requires analyzing the potential of certain terms (search), then analyzing the competition and creating a quality optimization plan. After that, he starts sorting out the technical details on the website itself, and when that process is complete, begins the process of building links to our website, in order to demonstrate the potential that a particular website offers.

In conclusion

Search engine optimization is a long-term investment, but it also produces long-term results. Don’t miss the opportunity to optimize your website today, because in which month you might end up first on Google search engine and your new clients should come to you for free and free.

