When all plans go out the window, will CRM be any good? (Source: pixabay.com)

CRM | Worth consideration?

Ana Marija Cazin
Digital Reflections
4 min readDec 12, 2017


Let’s first start with questions that might bother you.

Do you think your working space is chaotic and out of sync? Can you find all information about your customer in matter of seconds? Does your marketing team do one thing and your sale team another?

Do you think you killed many trees to keep up the paperwork you have? Do you hear the voice of customer? How does customers view you in their minds? Are they loyal or not? Can you easily see what was your revenue past year and what will probably be, based on your work? Do your employees do their work as efficiently as possible? Or do they waste time on miscellaneous tasks that are taking up their precious time?

And so on.

I could write several pages with just questions.

Are there questions that you asked yourself and therefore realized that you wish to change the direction that is your company going to. Then CRM is probably smart choice that will improve your company in the ways you didn’t thought that might be possible.

But what is CRM? It’s an acronym for Customer Relationship Management. In other words, it’s a tool that tracks and analyze all interactions that your company has with your customers and prospects. It centralizes, simplifies, secures, and scales our customer engagement.

CRM centralizes, simplifies, secures, and scales our customer engagement.

Essentially, it is giving leads and customers exactly what they want, rather than what we, the company, think they want. And it helps you understand them in ways that helps you improve your company standing in their eyes.

Here are some reasons why it will be beneficial to your company to integrate CRM.


If you have marketing and sales team, this will tremendously help you to make marketing and sales communicate and thus help your company grow and ultimately sell products efficiently. Marketing doesn’t need to catch anyone on sales team to see what does customers think about product, how much did they spend and on what, what is estimated revenue every month, contact about customer for follow up and so on.

So many wasted time on unnecessary tasks and in the end many lost opportunities because customer feels that company isn’t even trying or giving them irrelevant data. It gives you 360° view of customer and helps you create personalized email newsletter and improve overall customer service.


All information is kept in different databases and is not easily found. Many processes are duplicated because information is not stored properly, and time is lost.

Workflow is repetitive, time consuming and therefore routine tasks are taking too long to fulfill resulting in uncompetitive operational costs. Your client data is not secure, and anyone can open spreadsheet to see all information about them. All that leads to ineffectiveness and loss of motivation and throwing precious time out the window. Isn’t it better when all data is in one place and tasks are manly automated? That is one of benefits of CRM.

Risk management

Your employee quit the job and now you got to find information about customer to do a follow up. Did that employee wrote everything down to help next employee to do his/hers work efficiently? I’m sure that there were many situations where sudden account turnover results in dropped deals that caused missed sales targets and dissatisfied prospects that simply went elsewhere.

It takes few minutes to shift an account of previous employee to new one in other to provide better customer service. And it also gives you a security with sensitive data because its all timestamped and noted in software’s log.

That way, if previous employee downloads all customer data, you’ll know all about it by tracking those events and providing you an audit trail to make it easier to control sensitive information.

Customer Intimacy

It gives your customer an illusion of the personal touch with every interaction by tailoring your products, services, and even your customer engagement processes to fit a customer’s business or industry. For instance, how does Google know what are your preferences?

Do you think that store you recently bought something, knows every birthday of every customer and you? No, you left that information and by utilizing it in CRM, it helped company to make personalized discount or newsletter based on your interest and preferences.

In the end

All that helps your teams to be more efficient, productive which in turn gives your company profitability and better position in customers mind. Therefore, targeting the correct products or services to the correct customer or prospect could potentially lead to an increase in sales and thus increase in profits.

It is also vital to recognize the importance of building new relationships with prospects to bring in additional revenue. A CRM can help with both, nurturing existing relationships and acquiring and building new ones.

Keep your data in one place and automate all tasks that can be, thus giving your employees more time to focus on meaningful work. Marketing knows what’s up and is helping sales team to achieve their goal and in return give marketing team all information they need to give customer relevant data. After all, the key to giving customers what they want lies in understanding them, and a CRM system does just that.

Are you ready to level up your company? Or to give your customers exactly what they want even if they don’t know if they want it? Giving your company a whole new meaning of cooperation between teams and therefore growing your business into new ventures in products or services? Are you ready to be excellent not just good? Then CRM might be right choice for you. It will give you a new perspective on how to use information to benefit your company.



Ana Marija Cazin
Digital Reflections

Student of Digital Marketing in Zagreb, Croatia. My favorite past time is writing stories and taking photos. Creativity is my obsession.