Mickey Look
Digital Reflections
3 min readJan 15, 2023

Voice search

In a voice search He (Yuri Musienko) talks about how far voice searches have come, especially to the point in which we can see the difference between written searches, and one’s said to the search engine. Where searches are expected naturally to know where your location is, the written one’s aren’t so we supply it with additional information’s and location of the place we are interested in. This has a big influence on SEO and its usage for Voice search queries.

In my opinion voice search will grow in 2020. more so for the cause that products like “Alexa” from Google and other similar products are gaining more popularity and decreasing in price which will allow more people to have them and use voice as a preferable way of searching over the written one. Sitting in your living room scrolling on an app, while having your TV on, and you hear an interesting topic. Having the ability to just say outload the question you have, it being answered with a friendly voice, which if connected to your other electronic devices will be able to track you and know when something new should we advertises to you.

Online maps

Long story short, more places should make themselves available and go “Online” if nothing else then just for the location and the working hours. How many times people didn’t go to “your” bar just because they didn’t know where it is, or if it’s working.

Chat bots

Talking about how much is spent on making things/products simple as possible for users to interact with and then still people having questions about it. Making it easier for customers to ask questions and their concerns about products or service. Also making it easier for the company to resolve those problems faster and more efficiently, by collecting data and making bots more intuitive. When the problem isn’t solvable by a bot it should be quickly sent to the person that is able to resolve the problem with the customer and give the experience of the bot not existing at all, while using bots to arrange problems and solve ones that they have been programmed to do.


Statistics on videos and their increase conversion when used, plus increased time spent on pages with videos. Videos have a big potential that is not being used to the fullest. Corporations think that videos or YouTube are just for kids or when you have problem to solve, but they are so much more and can offer if known where to implement. Video contents doesn’t have to be created it can be sponsored and through that connected to your Corporation.

Content personalization & Spam control

Marketers need to personalize their messages and deliver them at the right time especially when the searches are being initiated by consumer. Content personalization is a constant marketing trend, that is looking for optimization in its field. Content personalization will remain, as it allows you to offer products and services to a suitable audience much faster. That brings us to the current issue where once searched, advertisement will continuously try to sell you things for expl. try searching for an apartment for rent for a day. For the next two weeks in all connected devices under a same Google account, you will be offered apartments even after you stopped searing for it or even if u only googled it once. We came far when it comes to Content personalization, but we need to bring spam control up to date with everything we did for content personalization.

Focus on things Yuri Musienko talks in his article on

