Facebook advertising — Why to do it!

Morana Odobašić
Digital Reflections
4 min readNov 8, 2017
A usual morning of a Facebook advertiser

First, lets clear something out. What is exactly Facebook advertising?
Facebook advertising allows you to reach people based on location, age, gender, interests and more, with regular updates on how well your ads are performing.

Worldwide, there are over 2.07 (2017.)billion monthly active Facebook users which is a 16 percent increase year over year. Also, according to an eMarketer study, 96% of social media marketers consider Facebook the most effective social media advertising platform. Social media advertising is one of the most effective paid advertising channels, helping you to get new leads and turn them into paying customers. That is why it has grown into a highly popular marketing channel over the past years.

The questions you may ask yourself are:

Is Facebook advertising for you?
Will it get you the results you’re looking for?
How much time does it take to manage Facebook campaigns?

Lets clear it all out :)

If you are worried about your audience and how you will target the ones you are interested in rest easy, because Facebook has over 2.07 (2017.) billion users worldwide with 90 million visitors each day. Not only does Facebook have a large audience, it also has the highest user activity. Also, Facebook target audiences are highly customizable, making it possible to target people based on their interest, demographics, location, actions on your website, engagement in your app, and so much more.

In addition, Facebook has behavioral targeting. That way you can target users real-life behaviors. For example, how many credit cards users own, what type of credit cards users own, whether or not a user is a homeowner, what type of stores users visit. That kind of targeting allows advertisers to target users who will likely be more interested in their products based on their behaviors.

Also, Facebook reaches a huge mobile audience.
Currently, most people use mobile phones to access Facebook. When Facebook reported its earnings on July 27, it reported that out of its $6.2 billion ad revenues, $5.2 came from mobile devices. These numbers show that Facebook can reach users who are away from their laptops and desktops. Facebook can advertise through the Facebook app, Instagram, and soon, as rumors have it, the Facebook messenger app. There you have it, another great thing about Facebook.

Facebook also lets you do A/B testing. If you are wondering what in the world that is, let’s clear it out. It is a tactic by which you find out which ad headlines, body copy, images, call-to-actions, or a combination of the above work best for your target audience. Also, can experiment with several Facebook audiences and ad placements to know who your perfect audience is and where they hang out. That way you can target them better.

Another great reason for you to advertise on Facebook is the fact that new features are added every month. In 2017 alone, Facebook has added so many new features it’s hard to keep up. Some of them are Messenger Day, Instagram Stories, Live Video updates and improved ad reporting. Along with all these Facebook updates, you have an increasing number of tools and tactics to reach the target audience.

However, what makes Facebook a unique advertising platform is not the number of users that an ad can reach, nor the ease of use of these other social networks through mobile phones. The biggest advantage Facebook has in front of search engines and other social networks is the amount of personal information that users enter into various categories and the ability to show ads to highly targeted user groups. For advertisers who know who their targeted customers and customers are, this is a tremendous advantage. For those who do not know, their visitors site statistics provide a handful of vital information that can be used later in traditional marketing campaigns.

Your adverts in Facebook can appear in one of five different locations on Facebook. That can increase the probability of users seeing your ad.
Locations are:
1. Right-hand column (of your desktop newsfeed)
2. Right-hand column (on any other Facebook page you visit)
3. Within the main newsfeed
4. On the mobile newsfeed
5. Mobile apps

5 things about Facebook that no one knows:

  • adding photos is the favorite activity, about 350 million photos are added daily
  • 66.4% of customers will inform their friends about discounts and actions via status on Facebook
  • 58% of users expect special benefits, discounts, and call-ups when they become Facebook fans of a certain interior
  • 75% of the total Facebook interaction with page posting occurs within the first 5 hours of posting the status
  • The average lifespan of a Facebook publishing is 80 minutes

In addition, another great advantage of a Facebook ad is the price. When we compare search ads and Facebook ads, the cost of advertising on Facebook is much smaller, along with an insight into the demographic information of users who show interest in a specific page, service or product, which is far greater. Advertisers can choose which user groups click on ads and then adjust those same ads to those particular groups.

Finally, let’s not forget the social element in marketing. Many studies have shown that consumers largely rely on the recommendations of friends and people from their social circles when deciding which product to buy. I suppose we can see that from our own experiences as well. With a quality new product or service that has a market interest, advertisers (we) can do a lot on Facebook: expand product awareness, get customer satisfaction recommendations, and send new interested customer or customers to their websites, where they can find more information.

