Fake profiles: a threat to the quality of today’s social networks

Chiara Colaric
Digital Reflections
4 min readJan 15, 2023

Social media has become an integral part of daily life for many people. It allows us to connect with friends and family, stay informed and entertained, and even turn to for business. However, with the rise of social media usage comes the problem of fake profiles.

Fake profiles, also known as “bots” or “sockpuppets,” can be a significant threat to the quality of today’s social networks. These fake profiles are typically created by individuals or organizations with the intention of manipulating or misleading other users. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as promoting a political agenda, spreading disinformation, or even just boosting the number of followers or likes on a particular account.

How can fake profiles be used?

One of the biggest concerns with fake profiles is that they can be used to spread misinformation and propaganda. This is particularly problematic on social media platforms, where users are often more likely to trust information that comes from their friends and followers. Fake profiles can be used to amplify false or misleading information, which can quickly spread across the platform and reach a large audience.

Another concern with fake profiles is that they can be used to influence public opinion. For example, a political campaign might create a large number of fake profiles in order to promote their candidate or attack their opponent. These fake profiles can then be used to flood social media with pro-candidate messages or negative comments about the opposing candidate. This can skew public perception and potentially influence the outcome of an election.

Fake profiles can also be used for more nefarious purposes, such as cyberbullying or stalking. For example, an individual might create a fake profile to harass or intimidate someone they know in real life. Or a predator may use a fake profile to groom a victim.

Another issue is that fake profiles can be used to artificially inflate the popularity or influence of a particular account. For example, a company might create a large number of fake profiles in order to boost the number of followers or likes on its social media accounts. This can give the appearance of more influence or credibility, which can be used to promote products or services.

Wondering what a real example of using fake profiles looks like?

An example of the use of a fake profile in a real event is the case of fake profiles that were used during the 2016 US presidential elections. Russian state agencies reportedly created a large number of fake profiles on social media to spread disinformation and support candidate Donald Trump. These fake profiles were used to spread fake news, comment and share content that supported Trump and spread negative comments about his opponent, Hillary Clinton. This had a significant impact on public opinion and could potentially have affected the outcome of the election.


The revelation that a Russian firm purchased thousands of divisive ads during the 2016 presidential election campaign has provided new evidence of the country’s efforts to influence the US political process. According to Facebook, the ads, which were purchased by a mysterious Russian company, mainly focused on race, immigration, and gun control. In a blog post, the company’s chief security officer Alex Stamos said that the majority of the ads were not aimed at specific candidates.

The ads, which appeared from June 2015 to May 2017, were linked to over 450 fake profiles, Facebook said it had shut down earlier. The company said that the accounts were created by a company known as the Internet Research Agency. This organization is popular for using “troll” profiles for publication on various social media platforms.

The disclosure adds to evidence of a wide-ranging Russian influence campaign that U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton and empowering Donald Trump during the election. Multiple investigations into Russian interference and the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia have clouded the first eight months of Trump’s presidency.

The creation and use of fake profiles is a major problem for social media platforms and their users. Social media companies are taking steps to address this issue, such as developing algorithms to detect and remove fake profiles, and increasing transparency around political ads. However, users also need to be aware of the potential dangers of fake profiles and be vigilant about verifying the identity and credibility of the accounts they interact with.

Awareness of the problem

It is important for users to be aware of the potential dangers of fake profiles and take steps to protect themselves. This includes verifying the identity and credibility of the accounts they interact with, reporting suspicious activity, and being cautious about the information they share and the accounts they follow. Additionally, it is important for social media platforms to continue their efforts to detect and remove fake profiles, and to increase transparency around political ads and sponsored content.


Fake profiles can be a significant threat to the quality of today’s social networks, and it’s important for users to be aware of the potential dangers and take steps to protect themselves. Social media companies also need to continue their efforts to detect and remove fake profiles and increase transparency around political ads and sponsored content. Together, we can work to minimize the impact of fake profiles and ensure that social media remains a valuable tool for connecting and communicating with others.

