How to build a good website?

Domagoj Kovač
Digital Reflections
4 min readFeb 12, 2020
Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Every company will develop unique components to their web design process over time, but the basics remain the same: learn, plan, design, code, launch and maintain.

The first thing you should be doing continuously is seeking feedback. You’ll save yourself a lot of wasted time and effort by getting feedback at regular intervals.

The second thing you should do continuously is testing. Test the heck out of everything as you go to avoid mega-headaches down the road.

Let’s get started!

1. Learn

What do you think is the most important step of the web design process? Planning? Designing? Coding?

Guess again.

It shouldn’t surprise you that learning — discovering and understanding what you need to build in the first place — is the most important part of the entire website design process.

Why? It’s simple, really. The more you know about what you need to accomplish, the better your chances will be of creating a successful website.

The Creative Brief

Fortunately, there’s a tool web designers can use to easily gather this information. It’s called a creative brief. A creative brief is basically a series of questions that you ask your clients so that you can understand the scope and goals of a project.

You should obtain this information in the way you and your clients are most comfortable with — but whatever you do, don’t skip the creative brief because it will become the lifeblood of your project.

What kind of questions should you ask in your creative brief? At the minimum, find out:

  • The client’s target audience
  • Their primary and secondary goals for the website
  • Current branding characteristics
  • Budget
  • Deadlines they need to meet

2. Plan

Once you’ve learned what you need to build, it’s time to start planning how you are going to make it happen. Before you can start designing a website, you need to know exactly what, and how, to design it in the first place — and it all starts with creating a design strategy.

Sketching and Mock-Up

Next, it’s time to create a mock-up and start letting your ideas take on more of a tangible state. I like to start by sketching out my ideas on a regular old piece of paper, as do many other web designers.

Other people prefer to use a wireframing tool like OmniGraffle. During this phase, not only will you want to start thinking seriously about the layout of the site, but also the structure of your site and how the navigation will shape up.

Pick Your Tools

This part of the process is also the perfect opportunity to assess which tools you will need to use. You absolutely should not fall into a pattern of using a predetermined set of tools for each site you create. It’s a potentially hazardous practice for everyone involved, including the site’s end users and the client (not to mention how monotonous your portfolio would look).

3. Design

Now I know there are many web designers out there who like to skip directly to the design stage without giving a second thought to learning or planning, but design is more than just the act of creating. You want to actually create something good and useful and you just can’t do that without first doing some preliminary work before starting to design.

Once you are ready to start designing, keep in mind that you need to design more than just a home page. You’ll need a design for the sub-pages of your site as well. It can sometimes be easy to design a home page concept, slice it up and start coding only to get to sub-pages and have no direction. You may also need to design a mobile or iPad version of your site as well.

4. Code

Once you have a killer design, you’ll need to turn it into a real, live website. A safe bet, no matter what content management system you are going to be working with, is to start with a generic HTML and CSS template.

Start with a Base Template

If you’re like me, you’ve already got a set of starter HTML and CSS files ready to go that are already linked to each other and already contain some basic starter code (such as a CSS reset).

Lay Out the Main Sections and Content

Begin carving up your HTML/CSS by inserting the major sections (your main <div>s) for your header, footer and content area.

Next, begin adding your text and image content. The goal is to keep your markup as semantic as possible so that each element is meaningful.

Validate and Test

Don’t forget to make sure your code validates by using the validation tool provided by the W3C (but also understand that validation tools have shortcomings).

5. Launch

When you’ve finally perfected the site, it’s time to release it to the public. Launching can mean different things to different people, mostly because there are various content management systems and development circumstances out there.

6. Maintain

During your planning phase, you should have determined who will be in charge of site maintenance. If a client is unable to maintain the site, you may want to suggest that they hire you on a regular or as-needed basis to manage and perform maintenance tasks.

