How to increase the number of comments on Facebook posts

Marijana Rep
Digital Reflections
4 min readFeb 13, 2020
Photo from Media Group

Want to spark a discussion on your Facebook post and not sure how to do it? Your post does not seem to get a lot of user attention, no matter what you think the post is cool? Wondering if there are quality ways to increase the number of comments on Facebook posts and achieve better user activity?

Facebook has been reducing the natural reach of posts for years, meaning they reach a small number of users. However, if you can get people to like and comment on your post, it will help you reach better — and will pique the interest of other users. So, user activity on posts increases activity and brings in new users.

While many complain that Facebook is currently a disastrous choice to promote something without investing in ads, the fact is that they make a lot of mistakes and thus lose users. Fortunately, these mistakes can be corrected and can help attract more users. Comments on posts are very important, and here you can find out 3 great ideas how to increase the number of comments on Facebook posts :

End the post with a question

No matter what you post on Facebook , you should always ask a question at the end of the post . Namely, the question is the best trigger for user response because when asking a question the user is automatically on the lookout for a quality answer. Therefore, always try to ask something at the end of the post and ask the user to leave a reply in the comment .

As for the issue itself, it’s hard to give some recipe that works across all Facebook pages and profiles. Each page (or profile) is a category for itself and has its followers, which is why it is necessary to experiment and find the best solution . If you want your question to produce better results, focus on keeping the question simple, or rather that the answer to that question is fairly straightforward and you don’t need to do some research to get the user to answer the question. The other important thing is that you provoke open discussion, and it is not a stretch to ask something that is trending in order to interest as many users as possible. Of course, do not ask a question that already has an answer, and many experts will recommend that it is wise to avoid political and scientific issues.

Challenge users to comment

One of the basic principles of marketing is: “If you want a user to do something, tell them to do it . “ People can’t read your mind and understand all your ideas, but if you tell them clearly what you expect from them , chances are that they will. So, if you want a user to leave a comment on a post, make it clear to them to leave a comment below the post. It is important that this message is conveyed in an understandable way and that commenting is fun, otherwise the user will not participate.

In recent years, we’ve seen a lot of photo posts that say ‘tag your boyfriend and have to pay you kebabs / beer / travel’ . Unfortunately, such announcements brought a lot of user engagement, but Facebook quickly realized what it was all about and reduced the reach of such posts. In contrast, a great way to invite people to leave a comment is to leave opinions below photos or sentences . For example, post an interesting photo and write in the description that it would be interesting in the comments to hear what users think is going on in the picture. This should result in an interesting discussion in the comments that will quickly raise the reach of the post.

Offer something valuable for comment

A common practice on websites is that a user must leave their email address in order to receive a free e-book, gift voucher or something else. You can use the same tactics on Facebook, and Facebook comments can be of great help to you . Within the Facebook post, you can indicate what you are offering and how it will be received by those who read and comment below the post. And so that all this does not violate the basic Facebook rules are designed plugins through which you can ‘legally’ collect user data through comments.

One such add-on is Mobile Monkey — a tool that is actually a Facebook Messenger platform that converts comments on posts into leads. So, the commenter also becomes your subscriber, giving you and him extra value . With the program mentioned, there are many other tactics that can serve you to aggregate new clients, all based on the comments they leave on your Facebook posts.


Facebook comments are extremely important in today’s modern use of social networks, where most of the content is just a glance. Comments on the posts suggest that Facebook is valuable content that deserves additional natural reach — with minimal effort to reach a large number of new users. Another important thing is that the discussion in the comments arouses people’s interest, so there is a much greater chance that someone who previously did not intend to comment will comment on the post.

