How Will the 5G Make Mobile Marketing Fun For Everyone

Anea Mamić
Digital Reflections
4 min readFeb 19, 2019

You probably heard of 5G by now. If not, you must have seen a 4G icon on your mobile screen. So what is it? 5G stands for 5th generation cellular mobile communications. In other words, it is the technology that connects your mobile device to the Internet. We are still in the 4G, so we don’t know exactly what it will be like. Our mobile devices are very fast now, but this new technology will considerably improve some problems like loading, responsiveness, and streaming quality. With frustrating problems solved, there will be many new opportunities for mobile marketers. There are possibilities that are already being looking into, and some of them will be pretty fun for marketers and consumers.

When we imagine the future of technology, often we picture something in AR and VR. With 5G, those features will surely be implementing our everyday life. Think of all the ways it could better the user experience. Customers will be able to try clothes and accessories from their home, furnish their living room with space visualization, or play interactive games. The content we receive will be even more personalized based on the improved accuracy on our GPS location and other types of context-driving data. Something like this could lead to whole new ideas and innovations, just like the 4G led to Google Maps and Uber.

As we know, the mobile network is fast today. But there are still problems we face relating the wireless service. With 5G we can expect more responsiveness and the experience of connecting all devices at the same time. We will be able to work faster and better. For better comparison, think about how much does it take to download a movie on your phone. With 5G, we will be able to download a movie on our smartphones in a matter of seconds. Content will travel from brands to customers and experiences will be shared between customers with uninterrupted speed.
Some may argue that the expenses of customers relating the cost of data will lower significantly or be replaced by a whole new business model. That could also lead to positive thinking about the 5G in the consumer mind, which benefits the industry and potential mobile marketing opportunities.

Here are a few things from BTC’s article about some of the new possibilities in 5G:

· ‘’Internet Of Things (IoT): IoT gets thrown around non stop in the tech world. With 5G, the realization of IoT can start to happen. That’s because it will allow more devices to readily connect and ping back information, making them smarter. That means we’ll have an even better understanding of our users, as well as the ability to connect with them through a multitude of devices from wearables to voice-activated devices.

· Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR): Remember the glory days of Pokemon GO? Mobile marketers everywhere jumped on the AR/VR bandwagon but not much came to fruition. With 5G, we’ll finally be able to handle the streaming capacity needed to realize AR and VR’s true potential. The sky’s the limit on what mobile app marketers (and developers) can do with these fun technologies.

· AI and Machine Learning: Thanks to the reliability and connectivity power of 5G, we’ll tap into a whole new level of AI and machine learning that will allow apps to do incredible things like power self-driving cars.

· Even Better Data: Since the reliability of 5G technology far exceeds 4G expect users and their plethora of mobile devices to be much more connected. This equates to even better, real-time data capabilities for things like location-based marketing and pushes notifications.’’


This new technology is, well new. That means it will take time for all the kinks and bugs to be worked out. That means it will be a few years before everything is working as expected. But, that isn’t really a bad thing for the marketing industry. It can just mean more time to adapt and come up with new things and innovations in creating good communication. Marketing agencies have time to start thinking about hiring tech experts or teaming up with partners that can help them take advantage in the best possible way.

You might wonder if you’ll need a new smartphone for surfing the Internet in 5G. Well, the answer is yes. Unfortunately, our dear smartphones can’t support this new technology and many companies are already working on new 5G ones. For all the people that are eager to experience 5G, companies like Samsung and Huawei are already working on its first models. Apple, however, will not yet adapt this new technology to their iPhones, and will rather wait for when the whole thing is worked out completely. We can expect new smartphones in 5G somewhere in the next year.

