Personalization at scale

One of the trends in 2020 is certainly personalization. Personalization in a way that all content sent by brands and companies outside their target groups is adapted certain segments that these target groups are broken into. For some cases, even personalization in the sense that one ad is in the interests of only one individual. Machine learning and marketing automation are the two main pillars on this trend be built, ie which some companies like Skoda are already working on for their target the group created ads that this audience would like to see because they were created just for them.

Tomislav Cop
Digital Reflections
5 min readJan 13, 2023


Collecting, processing, and ultimately utilizing information that our users knowingly or unknowingly give, when it comes to personalizing content they have no boundaries. More and more digital tools provide the ability for this kind of data processing and content creation in these same tools, which ultimately saves the marketing team time, which then can focus on some other tasks, which means more optimal business for the company leads to higher revenues and satisfaction of all parties involved, the company management, consumers who create personalized content and, of course, a marketing team that can focus on things much more advanced and effective than what they did before using them such tools.

Microsoft, the sales force, and other big IT players are already simply involved in this story or simply buys one who has already read that story. Whether they offer up to resolution as part of their CRM or As a private tool, the point is that if the big players recognized the pursuit of such solution and getting into that tools, it means that the trend as such holds water, those who do Time will learn to take precedence over one who still holds it the traditional way of marketing i.e. creating the same content for everyone, which nowadays
a time of preference for increasing consumer involvement in deciding what to buy more makes no sense. These tools are not specialized in one industry peak or already cover everything, ie every product, every company, every brand can harness the potential in some way such ways of doing business where content is personalized to make consumer action last wants to look at what companies are facing. Whether it’s Dubravica, Nike or the other
A pity I mentioned earlier, if any consumer feels the brand knows theirs
propensity by offering him what he learned from the collected and processed data To that consumer, the willingness to re-buy is greater than generic ads I
content that got every mystery consumer and was the simplest logic behind it
the business performs marketing activities through personalizing the content.

Too bad the carmaker I mentioned earlier is a successful example
of a used trend of personalizing the content they create in their marketing
activities. Specifically, they used a blend of creativity, technology, and technology for their youtube campaign pathologies on how to personalize the content they placed through youtube ads. How is it their campaign for the new Škoda Fabia going to 15 different countries made no sense
doing the same ad for as much diversity in the target audience as some still do today their campaigns, they have already decided to go one step further, a step towards personalization content. Using the information they had, and the data Google offers through its tools (technology), and the inclusion of color as a representative for your buyer personas (psychology), and display and use these colors on cars created specifically for each of this buyer persona (creativity), they get the winning mix of personalized ads you get
amazing results.

They created 1000 different TrueView ads for youtube with 16 different customizations languages ​​to cover as many of their users’ preferences as they can received an ad that seemed to be made just for them, resulting in a 71% Viewthroug rate increase over campaigns that did not use this personalized
ads, and an 80% increase in average Completion rate in the top 5 countries.
This example is a testament to the success of harnessing the full potential of personalization content, which can be applied to other similar marketing activities in focus have a user who needs to create some content. This user’s willingness to looks at an ad that was created just for him is how we saw from examples 70 to 80% higher than those users receiving generic ads. And these are still video ads on the 20 second youtube we all gladly skip, so now imagine what it would be like the process achieved at the level of personalized mails that we have given permission to we also get some web banners that are in front of us and on which we “write” our name. The potential is enormous, with more and more IT lions struggling to offer a tool in their portfolio which helps us personalize content, which is why marketing as we know it it slowly stays behind us. The sum of this story’s sumarum is to harness the information our users give us through the various digital prints on the web, as well as offline, so that they can create ads by processing this information
just by their size, which increases their willingness to consume these ads, which ultimately leads to a purchase, but the story does not stop there, but continues to come with new information about that customer is only making content for him to have a loyal and satisfied customer.

They created 1000 different TrueView ads for youtube with 16 different customizations languages ​​to cover as many of their users’ preferences as they can receive an ad that seemed to be made just for them, resulting in a 71% Viewthroug rate increase over campaigns that did not use this personalized
ads, and an 80% increase in the average Completion rate in the top 5 countries.
This example is a testament to the success of harnessing the full potential of content personalization, which can be applied to other similar marketing activities in focus by a user who needs to create some content. This user’s willingness to look at an ad that was created just for him is how we saw from examples 70 to 80% higher than those users receiving generic ads. And these are still video ads on the 20 second youtube we all gladly skip, so now imagine what it would be like to have the process achieved at the level of personalized emails that we have permitted to we also get some web banners that are in the front of us and on which we “write” our name. The potential is enormous, with more and more IT lions struggling to offer a tool in their portfolio that helps us personalize content, which is why marketing as we know it slowly stays behind us. The sum of this story’s samarium is to harness the information our users give us through the various digital prints on the web, as well as offline so that they can create ads by processing this information
just by their size, which increases their willingness to consume these ads, which ultimately leads to a purchase, but the story does not stop there, but continues to come with new information about that customer is only making content for him to have a loyal and satisfied customer.

