The impact of chat AI on digital marketing and its future

Borna Knez
Digital Reflections
4 min readJan 13, 2023
Robot hand and human hand showed as famous picture called “The creatin of Adam”
Image by: Tara Winstead on Pexels

Nowadays, businesses depend heavily on digital marketing since it gives them the ability to reach a large audience and advertise their products and services. With the majority of consumers using digital channels almost every minute, it is crucial for businesses to have an excellent online presence.

Businesses must also come up with innovative and original concepts in the rapidly evolving environment if they want to stand out in the highly competitive digital industry. Additionally, consumers have bigger expectations than ever; regardless of the channel they’re on, they expect that you understand who they are and precisely what they want.

A common tool for businesses that want to satisfy consumer needs and wants is the chatbot, or chat artificial intelligence. ChatGPT, short for “chatbot trained using generative pre-trained transformer,” has just emerged, and it can completely change how companies engage with their customers online.

So, what is ChatGPT?

In short, ChatGPT is a super-intelligent AI that can understand and respond to human language. It is basically a robot that can talk to you and answer all of the questions you might have. It was created by OpenAI, and it is used for all sorts of stuff, for example, helping with customer questions.

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Here is one example of ChatGPT in action:

Request for AI: “Please, in simple, easy-to-understand words, explain what is difference between the sun and the moon.”

ChatGPT response: “The sun is a big glowing ball in space that gives us light and warmth, and the moon is a big rock that orbits around the Earth and reflects light from the sun.” The sun is much bigger and hotter than the moon. The moon changes its shape in the sky, appearing as a crescent or full moon during different phases, and it also causes tides on the Earth. “The sun stays in the same place in the sky during the day and sets in the evening.”

As we can see, ChatGPT’s ability to understand our words and to write human-like responses is almost like it came right from a sci-fi movie.

ChatGPT compared to other chatbots.

The capacity of ChatGPT to have personalized chats with clients is one of its main advantages. This is a huge leap compared to other typical chatbots, which sometimes have relatively few features. Businesses may engage in meaningful interactions with their clients using ChatGPT, which can greatly improve the customer experience.

ChatGPT may assist organizations not only enhance the customer experience but also collect insightful information about the preferences and requirements of their clients. ChatGPT may learn what products or services clients are interested in by examining the conversations it has with users.

Here is a simple example where a consumer texts a chatbot asking for suggestions on a new pair of running shoes. A typical chatbot would offer a list of choices in response to keywords such as “running shoes,” but a ChatGPT might engage the user by asking about their running preferences, spending limit, and brand preferences. Corporations now can be able to better understand the demands of the consumer and provide them with more specialized recommendations.

Also, ChatGPT’s work is beyond collecting data and client service. It is a useful tool for content production since it can hold discussions that are realistic and human-like. Businesses may save time and money by using ChatGPT to create original and interesting channels such as social media, email marketing, or others.

For example, a business may use ChatGPT to create several social media articles promoting the new product. The chatbot might collect information about the product from the company’s website and promotional materials, then provide educational and interesting messages. Without putting a significant amount of effort into it, this kind of content development can assist businesses in being engaged with social media and maintaining engagement with their audience.

What is the future like for digital marketing with this kind of technology?

First, more businesses will likely use ChatGPT and other similar chatbots to respond to client questions and offer specialized services.

Second, we should expect significantly more extensive usage of ChatGPT as well as other chatbots for consumer data collection and analysis. Chatbots will be capable of collecting more in-depth information about client preferences, wants, and habits.

Third, we may expect the adoption of ChatGPT as well as other chatbots to provide more interesting and individualized content. Businesses will likely use chatbots to provide content for email marketing campaigns, social media postings, and other channels.

And finally, we can anticipate a bigger role for ChatGPT and also other chatbots in the whole customer experience. Chatbots will probably be included in a variety of client touchpoints in the near future.

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In general, I personally believe that ChatGPT and other smart chatbots have the potential to have an important influence on digital marketing. Chatbots may help organizations engage with consumers more effectively and efficiently by offering personalized service, collecting useful customer data, and producing interesting content. As this technology progresses, it will be interesting to see how chatbots influence the future of online marketing.

