TikTok Effects on the Attention Span

Anur Sijercic
Digital Reflections
5 min readJan 15, 2023
TikTok shortening attention span
TikTok shortening attention span

Rising platform

TikTok became the most downloaded app in 2022, it is still rising and everyone with access to the internet came across with content from the platform whether they wanted it or not.

The platform focuses on creating short-form videos, which encourages users to keep their attention focused on the content for a short period of time. This has led to many people wondering if this type of content could be having an effect on people’s attention spans.

Losing track of time

According to research from the University of Kent’s School of Psychology people, in general, underestimate the time spending on TikTok, the question arises is why is this happening.

TikTok maniplulative platform
TikTok manipulating

TikTok in particular is so engaging because the app learns an individual’s interests based on how long they watch a video, whether or not they hit the “like” button, and so on. TikTok is able to learn what the user likes and continue to feed similar content, creating a personalized experience for the user and tailoring it to someone’s exact interests.

Attention killer platform

Although we still lack comprehensive longitudinal research into the phenomenon, there is piling evidence for the detrimental effects of the app on regular users, especially on the brain development of children and teens who — ironically — happen to be the most avid TikTokers.

The study, which was conducted by Microsoft and published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior, found that people who used TikTok for just 20 minutes experienced a “significant decrease” in attention span and working memory. In contrast, people who used Instagram or Facebook didn’t show any significant changes in attention span.

TikTok brain

The term ‘TikTok brain’ is used to describe some of the negative aspects associated with the platform including lower attention spans and increased anxiety and depression.

TikTok brain
TikTok brain

One of the reasons that make this app dangerous to mental health is that binging on an endless stream of 15-to-30-second-long videos slashes attention span like no other type of media can do.

The problem lies in the fact that the main part happens right at the beginning of the video, shortening the attention of consumers who expect every subsequent experience to be like that. In other words, users no longer want to wait for the peak moment, the interesting part is that they transfer such expectations to other aspects of life besides entertainment, for example, business careers.

TikTok now extended the maximum length of videos from 3 to 10 minutes, but still, ideally length of the video is considered to be up to 15 seconds. This implies that nothing will change and imposes the question:

How TikTok Is Impacting Attention Span Across Different Age Groups

The age groups affected by the TikTok phenomenon are extremely varied. From young children to adults, everyone seems to be obsessed with the app.

The short-form video app has been downloaded over 2 billion times and is particularly popular with Gen Z users. But what about other age groups? How are they affected by the TikTok phenomenon?

In this article, we explore the effects of TikTok on people of all ages, from the youngest kids to their parents. Read on to discover how this seemingly harmless app can actually have a major effect on the ability to focus and concentrate.

How Does TikTok Affect the Attention Span of Children?

The short, video-based format of the app encourages users to consume content in small bites, which can train the brain to expect and prefer shorter bursts of stimulation. This can make it more difficult for children who use TikTok to focus on tasks that require sustained attention, like schoolwork or homework.

How Does TikTok Affect the Attention Span of Teenagers?

According to a recent study, teenagers who use TikTok have an average attention span of 9 seconds — 3 seconds less than the average 12-second attention span of non-TikTok users. The study also found that TikTok users were more likely to multitask and switch between tasks more frequently than those who did not use the app. While some may see this as evidence that TikTok is negatively impacting our ability to focus

How Does TikTok Affect the Attention Span of Young Adults and Adults?

There is no doubt that TikTok has had a significant impact on the attention span of both young adults and adults. A recent study found that people who use TikTok are more likely to have shorter attention spans than those who don’t use the app. The study also found that TikTok users are more likely to be easily distracted and have difficulty focusing on tasks.

Your age doesn’t make any difference the key is how long and what type of content you are consuming.

Should people stop using TikTok?

It depends on who you ask, but one thing is for sure if you are exaggerating it will shorten your attention span and cause a domino effect of other issues:

  • You won’t be able to engage in deep work requiring intense concentration
  • You will be spending less time face-to-face with other people
  • You won’t be able to stay present in conversations with others,
  • You will develop a shorter fuse for everyday annoyances
  • You won’t be able to enjoy a peaceful still moment
  • Your short-term memory will reduce

I suppose you don’t want to find yourself in this situation so if you are using the app it’s good to know when it is enough otherwise you will be stuck in a vicious circle in a minute because as we all know TikTok content has endless content.

If you are already struggling to focus on anything else after using the app, it might be worth taking a break from it.

