Turn your chatbot into secretary on steroids

Juraj Kralj
Digital Reflections
3 min readFeb 12, 2020
Photo from Analytics Insight

Imagine your work without boring tasks such as downloading documents every time mail arrives, or saving documents to specific folder over and over again. Or imagine not having to communicate with colleagues you don`t like on your job.

It is all now possible with new technology. Basically, you can turn your chatbot from boring robot to secretary on steroids.

AI-based technology uses instant messaging to chat in real-time, day or night, with your customers or site visitors. Many customers prefer interacting with chatbots as they are responsive 24/7, give answers promptly, accurately recall your entire buying history, and never lose patience. These virtual assistants offer outstanding customer service by meeting customers’ expectations and automating repetitive tasks — which means that you can focus on more important work. Many brands already use chatbot technology, including rideshare brand Lyft. You can request a ride from Lyft via chat (Facebook Messenger and Slack) or voice (Amazon Echo), and their chatbot will let you know the current location of your driver.

Photo from Social Media Today

Passengers can use the app to choose the type of ride, make a request, track the location of the car, send friends a time estimate of their arrival, and make payment.

“Chatbots will be your new assistant,” commented Dave Wright, Chief Innovation Officer of ServiceNow.

“The advancement of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) will make bot-to-bot communication so effective that human involvement will no longer be required for several business processes. Enterprise-grade bots can automate time-consuming tasks such as ordering supplies, paying vendors, and invoicing clients by using a messaging platform to manage these activities. Chatbots powered by AI will make it possible to give every employee a personal assistant to help with tasks such as booking business travel, scheduling meetings, and managing to-do lists. Whole departments will rely on chatbots as part of their larger digital transformation strategies.”

Sentiment Analysis

With the help of sentiment analysis, chatbots could understand whether the conversation was going well and respond to customer emotions accordingly.

1. Adaptable Customer Assistance

With sentiment analysis, chatbots can modify their responses so that they’re aligned with the customer’s emotions. These appropriated responses make for excellent, engaging experiences with customers.

2. Routing Frustrated or Angry Customers

Customers who are clearly upset at the start of a conversation are quickly recognized and routed to a live rep. That way, the customer will receive personalized support quickly and efficiently.

3. Customer Categorization

Chatbot data is awesome because it records the entire customer conversation. And, with sentiment analysis, chatbots can identify your happiest and unhappiest users within your customer base. By segmenting your audience based on customer satisfaction, you can prioritize support for users at risk of churn and reward customers who have demonstrated long-term loyalty.

4. Record Overall Customer Satisfaction

In addition to audience segmentation, sentiment analysis can recognize your customers’ overall perception of your service, brand, and products. This provides the chatbot with insight into how customers are feeling before they interact with them.

Industries where chatbots are most useful


  • Provide a customized experience where doctors identify symptoms
  • Schedule appointments
  • Setup reminders
  • Gamify learning for students in the field or ongoing education


  • Return account balance
  • Collect payments
  • Automate customer support


  • Show images of rooms
  • Compare rooms, offers, or packages
  • Confirm booking
  • Take payment


  • Let users order an item
  • Track an order
  • Collect product feedback
  • Send offer alerts

Human Resources

  • Simplify on-boarding
  • Training
  • Recruiting
  • Provide support quickly


  • Book meetings or calls automatically
  • Deliver the right use cases and examples
  • Suggest webinars and content

My opinion on chatbots?

I believe that chatbots are the future of digital marketing because they enable real time and fast conversations with the client. In the business world they help employees in repetitive actions or communication. In combination with sentimental analysis and understanding of “natural” language, they can be used in many industries. To conclude they save time, human resources, money and improve the customer experience from the time the user starts contact with the brand until the end of the usage of the product/service.

