Thoughts On Coding

Colton Chance Hayden
Digital Ripple
Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2016

Throughout my life I’ve always known that programming would be a useful skill. While applying for internships last semester, a lot of the requirements required at least one year of coding experience in HTML5 or Python. Sadly, without having these, getting the internship I wanted became a real hassle. So, now that I have the opportunity to learn a little about programming I find it very beneficial. I think it’s extremely beneficial because it has real world applications. For me, getting a job in the field I want requires extensive knowledge of programming and the main anxiety I have is not becoming proficient enough with programming.

I’m definitely going to try and overcome this anxiety by working diligently with these programming languages and attempting to gain extensive knowledge of them over the next 1–2 years. My intellectual and philosophical goals concerning coding is that it’ll become necessary for the direction the world is heading at the moment. With technology becoming more and more prevalent in society, knowing something like a coding language is going to become a necessity.

Overall, as a goal, I think being able to make a game would be an interesting skill to have with programming. And, I guess the only way I’ll know if I’ve been successful is if I actually feel comfortable enough with the knowledge I’ve gained to do something like that!

