Oreliana Forest

Dominic Tramontana
Digital Scorpion Interactive
3 min readMar 1, 2023


The Oreliana Forest is the largest in Valoris, almost encompassing most of Illumnia alongside the Inethriul Jungle. Its name means “Cradle of Life.” In the days of old, when Giants were the newest folk crafted by the Old Gods, they developed an overreaching forest. This proved dangerous, as it was not controlled and could potentially overrun Illumnia with fields of oak, pine, and what have you. They were banished, and their large trees were cut down, much to Arcyna’s sadness, who loved the Giants and their devout eagerness towards nature and its growth.

After the age of Elves, it was time to create a new group, one crafted from stars. Arcyna watched as the mortals were born. She saw the stubbornness of the Dwarves, the curiosity of the Elves, but most important to her, the caring nature of the Giants. So, Arcyna replanted the trees, splitting them into the Oreliana Forest and the Inethriul Jungle, both as a gift to the Humans, and as a monument to the great gardeners that Arcyna loved.

The humans loved the forest, but nature was allowed to thrive longer than it should. Leviathan and Arcyna came to an agreement that saw the creation of many vicious creatures poured into the forest. Oreliana Forest was now a place of danger. The Yorlon, a large, furred beast with interweaving horns, traverses the forest. Smaller creatures also reside here: Ronnels, canines with the arms and legs of primates, that can climb trees and are sometimes mistaken for werewolves due to their ability to stand up. Hyrasins are bow-legged lizards with an exceptionally violent taste for blood. They are small but large enough to be a nuisance.

Domains from Cerulis, like the Korlaks and Donnels, are known to hunt in these places for increased prestige and valor. Some rumors even speak of the creatures adapting, in fear of the Korlaks and Donnels. These two families have developed a friendly rivalry. It is not uncommon for these two Domains to pursue friendly competition while hunting.

