Agman Kha Mountains

Dominic Tramontana
Digital Scorpion Interactive
3 min readMar 15, 2023


The Agman Kha Mountains were first created as a gift to Arcyna from Leviathan, as he had no experience creating life. The Dwarves, the first race created by the Old Gods, made this mountain range their home, often fighting with the Agman Kha, a group of Leviathan’s fanatic followers that branched from the Watskashi. The Dwarves mined the mountains in hopes of offering gems and rare metals to the Old Gods. They were banished, as the Old Gods feared that the Dwarves would soon dig straight through the world.

From then on, the Agman Kha Mountains were dominated by the group of their namesake. The Agman Kha people weren’t alone here, however. They had to contend against many creatures. Hjalmars, frightening beasts, are bipedal mammals with a thick hide, bulky round figure, and a rock-like armor that covers their entire body, except for the joints. They were named Hjalmars by the Dwarves, which translates to, “Rolling Thunder,” a term that refers to their main defense mechanism which is to roll up into a ball and hurl themselves at enemies.

Skaladons are flying lizards, featherless and thin, that feed on the carcasses of the dead. They live in narrow burrows on the side of the Mountains. Aerynths are creatures made entirely out of air, with the ability to take on the form of mortals and monsters alike. Adventurers shiver when they hear whistling on the Agman Kha Mountains, as that is a sure sign that an Aerynth is ready to strike.

Golems are also in high population, although they rarely leave the underground. Thought by some to be friendly, few attempt to prove this theory. The Golems slave away in the Mountains, deeper than the Tremblers. What they do, no one knows. Some have sworn to hear faint hums and booms at the entrances to the Mountains’ inner workings.

Young Korlak boys were taken here as a rite of passage for would-be hunters. Ever since Illumnia closed off from Tenebrye, the Inethriul Jungle has become the new proving ground.

