Tower of Aevorum

Dominic Tramontana
Digital Scorpion Interactive
3 min readFeb 22, 2023


Aevorum, once the true form of Tenebrye, was a land of grass fields and meadows that seemed to stretch till the ends of the earth. The people who lived here were the dead, blessed with an eternal realm of luxury and peace. The Cistern of Afflatus created a doorway for mortals to interact with and enjoy the realm of Aevorum.

Souls began to flood into Aevorum during the Age of Conflict, and so, the souls of builders and mages set out to create a structure to act as a siphon for the new wave of souls. It was dubbed the Tower of Aevorum, and acted as a point of rest and consolation, as most of the visitors were victims of heavy turmoil and deep trauma due to the Age of Conflict.

Once the Age ended, the Tower of Aevorum served as a warm reminder that even in death, people still cared and that the tower would always be there as a comforting memory. Unfortunately, this sentiment did not last forever. Leviathan, the God of Death, and surveyor of Aevorum washed the realm with destruction. Sand buried the once-green meadows and fields. The lakes were filled with acid, leaving any hydration near impossible. The Tower of Aevorum, as sand stained as it had become, was still standing.

Years later, the tower still maintains its name, despite Aevorum dying, and Tenebrye emerging from the ashes of a once-beloved realm. Soulmongers and Tremblers alike chose to keep the name of the tower as Aevorum, for what reason, some have guessed, was a way to hold on to the hope of a brighter day.

Screams and howls have been heard from the Tower at night. Rumors have spread of the Tenebrye Mages going into the Tower and using its soul functionalities to create new life. These pieces of gossip are baseless, although, it does cause one to wonder why they would make them in the first place. What does a Trembler or any other dead soul have to gain from spreading lies? Fearfully, we may never know.

