Five ways to earn SEN

Kristen McQuillin
Digital SEN


The SEN project is still under development and we’ll be updating with details as we go. For now, here are five ways you will be able to earn SEN:

  1. Register your digital content in the ContentSENtry and get paid when people access your work. this works whether you have one photo to register or 80,000,0000 songs in your catalog.
  2. Receive rewards by using platforms that implement SEN. For example, get SEN micro-payments when your content gets a like or when you leave a product review.
  3. Get paid via the tipping app, nageSEN.
  4. Win contests and giveaways when you join SEN.
  5. Participate as a node on the SEN cryptocurrency ledger network (this will be by invitation only).

We imagine four main kinds of creators who will earn SEN:

Casual Creators: You snap selfies, post reviews, and make memes without expecting to earn any money from it. You’re sharing your time and creative effort with the world for fun. With SEN, you can earn a bit here and there to offset your spending and create a fair quid pro quo with other creators.

Everyday Creators: You take time to make adorable cat videos and post them online. You’d like to earn some pocket money, so you monetise with ads. Your videos get hundreds of likes and views, but your monetisation system doesn’t pay enough for you to afford cat food. SEN will allow you to register your videos in ContentSENtry and accept small payments for each view. Before long, you’re rolling in catnip!

Independent Artists: You make a living with your art, music, photography, video tutorials, or writing. Your work is popular but you aren’t signed with a label or publshing through a corporate entity. SEN will open new markets for you and ensure that your work is credited and paid for when it’s used.

Rights Holders: You’re an organization with 80,000,000 songs in your database and the long tail plagues your bookkeepers. Artists have to wait years for their decades-old one-hit-wonder to accrue enough royalties to pay out. Sometimes, accounting loses track. SEN allows you to create smart contracts that divide up royalties correctly and pay out almost instantly.

It’s hard to pigeonhole people into categories, so we want to hear your ideas. How would you like to earn SEN? There are so many possibilities! Reach out to us on Telegram, comment here, or on any of our social media accounts.

