Digital Service Design course, don’t miss it :)

Risto Sarvas
Digital Service Design
3 min readJun 11, 2019

We are almost ready to launch the award winning course CS-E5290 Digital Service Design (DSD). Companies & cases are agreed, all we need is students!

Last year we had 41 applicants for the 20 places in the course. So if you are interested, then follow the registration instructions here. A limited number of students guarantees top notch mentoring and loads of interaction during the lectures and workshops.

What is the DSD course?

The gist of the course is to do real projects, not academic exercises.Therefore, all the participants work on real business/design cases from real companies/organisations. This is the service design course where…

  • You learn by doing a real project for a real client. This goes directly to your CV and portfolio as a proper service design case. Last year one of the clients noted that “our group did a better design job than many professional consultancies!” So, this is a great opportunity to get a proper project done.
  • The course is taught by experienced practitioners. Together Risto Sarvas and Tuomo Laine have extensive knowledge on consulting, entrepreneurship, coaching, teaching, and doing service design.
  • The methodology taught is actually used in companies and continuously updated. Lean Service Creation has thousands of users worldwide and the handbook has over 15 000 copies printed. Risto is one of the founding fathers of the whole methodology and movement.
  • And the course has a proven track record of being consistently one of the best in Aalto. Four times awarded as one of the best in Computer Science based on student feedback. Last year we got an overall score of 4.5/5.0 from the students.

The course will be held in Autumn in the I-period of 2019 HOWEVER we already accept preliminary registrations starting from…now!

To pre-register please follow the instructions here.

NOTE! This course is officially in the list of optional courses in the Information Networks master’s program. Also, it is compulsory for the ICT in Business track in the same master’s program.

What do the students say about DSD?

“This course gives superb hands-on skills in service design!”

“Easily the best course I’ve had in Aalto! A lot of work, but ‘no pain, no gain’!”

“The lectures were awesome! The course was very nicely arranged, and I really liked the DSD course concept. Relaxed and inspiring atmosphere. Communication was superb, Telegram was great. Great that we didn’t have to use MyCourses! Risto knows how to work with students. LSC was quite easy to follow. Weekly clinic meetings were really helpful. Discussions and feedback from Risto and Tuomo really helped in learning. I wish I had more courses like this.”

“The most educative, inspiring and productive course in my Aalto career.”

“Substance, teaching, attitude. Good combination of lecture and doing. Even though the course was heavy, it was not too much. Wouldn’t add anything though, at least as long as this is only one period course. Thanks to Risto and Tuomo for always being so nice with us! Easily the best course I’ve ever taken.”

“Overall I felt the course was inspiring high quality dive into practical service design. Tools and methodologies felt very professional and I enjoyed the rich slides, conversations around the topics and real world examples. There wasn’t really anything boring on this course. No complaints.”

