Artificial Intelligence: Robot Waiters

Angela Wen
Digital Society
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2020
Pixabay license | geralt

From autonomous self-driving cars to smartphones that have voice-activated virtual assistants, it is insane how far technology has come. With AI software technology contributing to 10.1 billion USD in global revenue in 2018, the numbers are expected further rise and reach 97.9 billion USD by 2023. In addition to these numbers, Statista also found that the “applications for artificial intelligence industry are effectively limitless” making it a very promising industry to invest in. Not only will technology continue to change in the upcoming decades, but in ways that will ultimately make everyone’s life a bit easier.

Pixabay license / StockSnap

In today’s society, we see the incorporation of artificial intelligence everywhere. AI is a powerful tool that can be used in a multitude of ways. It is in pretty much all of the technology that we own, our cars, and in places around us. But the artificial intelligence we interact with don’t usually have arms or legs and can communicate back to us, like the creepy robots we see in movies. So how would the world react to seeing a fully-functional robot in common places such as a restaurant or café? licence / Image 1 Image 2

In 1983, a restaurant called the Two Panda Deli in Pasadena, California, USA introduced Tanbo R-1 and Tanbo R-2 to their waiting staff, and are recognized by the Guinness World Record book to be the first restaurant to have housed robot waiters. These robots were the first of its kind and had the usual problems that came with it. They would often break down or be unsuitable to carry out specific jobs. Fast forward to November of 2018, 35 years later, and robot waiters can now be controlled by people with paralysis in the comfort of their own home. license / Fitore F

Robots of the future not only gives opportunities for a greater number of people, but also opens up the market for new demand. In this pop-up café in Tokyo, Japan, the paralyzed individuals could control the robots and directly interact with customers through simple eye moments. Having robot waiters also draws immense attention from the general public. Many customers would pay a ridiculous amount of money to have the experience of being served by robot waiter. In our current culture, it’s all about experiences and AI technology definitely ranks high on the list of things that not everyone gets the opportunity to participate in every day. license / :cloneCHUNG:

On the flip side, there has been a constant rebuttal of robots taking jobs away from humans. Using the robot café as an example, if the demand for robot waiters were to increase because of cheaper cost, higher customer interest, and streamlining processes, it would be an incentive for many restaurant owners to switch to artificial intelligence. This is the case of what’s happening in China. The cost to purchase a robot waiter would only cost a couple months of a server’s average salary. They are also deemed to be more efficient than regular waiters/cooks, being able to replicate every movement precisely and efficiently every time. license / Scottish Government

While artificial intelligence has made major advancements in recent years, it is still very clear that it will be at least another 100 years until they can replace human functionality, and even then, it most likely won’t be a hundred percent. What we can speculate though however, is that AI may replace certain jobs in specific industries. In an article published by Brookings, studies conducted by numerous institutions and affiliated schools found that AI could perform equal, if not better, at examining and performing medical tasks.

Pixabay license / kalhh

When it’s all said and done, the robot waiters are still only pieces of metals and circuits that are programmed to follow a certain set of instructions. They make mistakes and break down — as do most technology — which only strengthens the argument that robots will never replace humans. They require periodic maintenance and with our current technology, will not be able to perform actions outside of what they are programmed to do. This proved to be quite the issue with the functionality of waiter robots where they are operating in a frequently changing environment. license / Lukas

Artificial intelligence is integrated into our daily lives and will most certainly play an even larger role in the future. Through my research and personal experience, it is very likely that AI will dominate markets in every industry across the globe. More often than not, robots will likely catch the attention of a passerby long enough for a potential sale to occur. What started off with two robot servers with limited vocal and movement capabilities, to AI robots that can cook, prep and be controlled remotely, the future of AI is beyond our own imagination. license / Andy Kelly

The artificial intelligence industry is still an untapped market that is gaining interest and traction from many investors. Despite the topic of having a workforce that is integrated with AI being quite controversial, many do believe in the capabilities and benefits this technology can bring. While robot waiters still remain a fairly new type of technology, they are also expanding to countries in Japan, China, and Scotland.

Pixabay license / PIRO4D

As we move into an era where technology dominates the competitive market, sometimes all it takes is being just a step further in advancement to beat out your competitors. Artificial intelligence is more than just robots, it is technology that promotes inclusivity, efficiency, and peaks the interest of people looking to add a little bit of fun in their lives. With every decade that passes, we are one step closer in the journey of understanding AI and developing a more digital society. Does this mean that will we have flying cars in the near future? Probably not. But with that being said, the opportunities for artificial intelligence are endless.

