‘Clash of Clans’ — Coming up on its 12th year

Digital Society
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2024
Clan war activity in COC (author’s)

Clash of clans (COC) was created in 2012. Like its name suggests, players need to strengthen the defenses of their own villages and try to break down the villages of other clans. As a big fan of this game, I am going to unpack how it uses social media to engage its users and the effectiveness of its online presence.

Why are operating social media accounts needed for COC?

First, the creation of COC was undoubtedly a success. It has maintained the TOP 10 position on the App Store bestseller list in more than 100 countries around the world since its birth in 2012. Plus, the game’s success is intricately linked to the efficacy of its social media endeavors. By means of this official account, players are the first to be notified of any modifications made to the game. The operation of COC social media platforms is necessary to acquire new customers and retain existing ones. Likewise, the company behind COC can observe the official data traffic and discover user preferences. They are also able to discern users’ perspectives regarding updates and devise a plan for the subsequent ones.

Animation made by COC in YouTube

Effective online presence of COC

First, COC’s official avatar on all platforms is the same as the game’s, which offers users a sense of trust because it is COC’s recognizable symbol. COC also maintains a steady frequency of updates and adds theme-related tags when posting. All of these actions increase the user’s swipe rate.

The most important point is that even though COC posts have different focuses on different platforms, animated videos is a main feature of COC on social platforms. On Instagram, COC mainly shows updates on the game in the form of graphics and videos. Besides, it also tags some players’ daily lives with COC on Instagram, which brings the distance between the game’s official and users closer.

Clash of Clans official account in instagram
Clash of Clans official account in YouTube

On YouTube, COC shares animations of the lives of different characters within the game. These animations are easily understandable to individuals who do not know this game as well. This goes a long way in attracting new users. Moreover, the content of the animations is closely related to COC’s core—clash. Such animation can trigger a sense of joy for experienced users, thereby enhancing their gaming experience. I discovered that COC has 5.9 million followers on Instagram, while YouTube has a whopping 20.2 million subscribers, which may indicate that the ongoing launch of the video animation catches the eyes of users to a greater extent than the pictures.

Needs to be improved

Nevertheless, the COC’s online presence could still be improved. First, other platforms just link to COC’s official website, except for YouTube’s homepage, which links to its website and other social media platforms for YouTubers to follow and download the game. This oversight may lose followers indirectly. The COC may also post additional formations and troop organization tactics on platforms and discuss them with users. This will boost new and old users engagement and stickiness. Since COC has been operating for nearly twelve years, its success is tied to innovation. Online presence as an additional assist must be more suitable for the operation of the current era to extend this game’s lifespan.

