Topic : Digital Engagement (2018/19)

Marketing, social networks and consumer behaviour

Digital Society admin
Digital Society
2 min readNov 9, 2016


This is an archived version of a page from Digital Society 2018/9, to preserve content for past participants. See the main page for the latest materials.

[Image: Peter Liversidge sculpture spelling ‘Everything is Connected’ in lightbulbs] Is everything connected? [Photo: Jonty Wilde via YSP, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]

Manchester students: work through this page and leave a comment before Mon week 4 (18th Feb).

The way we live our lives continues to change due to the presence of digital technologies. How we socialise, curate our lives and engage with brands increasingly revolves around digital platforms. As consumers, we expect fast, personalised, intelligent systems, often for ‘free’.

In this session we will explore how ‘digital’ impacts on our engagement with each other, organisations, and our environment; on marketing and selling; and how perhaps it’s all connected…

Reading/watching 🎥

[Video: Unbelievable Bus Shelter] Transcript info: This video is non-verbal so does not have a transcript.

The video reminds us that digital is not always online, and that objects around us can watch/interact with us. Next, Elizabeth Holli Wood examines how our data and attention are being sold. Bonus article: data about us does not just come from online interactions. Finally Henna Zamurd-Butt looks at who controls the internet and data about people, and how we should try to realise its potential for all.

Access the full reading list (all topics in one place plus optional reading)

What do you think?

After reading/viewing the above, try to answer these questions:

  • Has the way you shop/engage with brands changed in the last decade? How and why?
  • Is there a digital marketing campaign which you found engaging? Why?
  • Does your social life rely on digital technology? Is that a good/bad thing?
  • How do you engage with others ‘offline’? Is ‘online’ really that different?

Leave a comment

After accessing and thinking about the above, leave a comment below to share an idea, a question, or a response.

Bonus challenge for Manchester people: find the sign ‘Everything is connected’ in our city!

Please email with any questions or problems.

