Follow up post: The Internet -2019

Digital Society admin
Digital Society
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

Thanks to all of you who attended yesterday’s session on the history of the internet (and thanks to James for presenting) — It was a really interesting session, and fascinating to see how the internet has developed over the years.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I was particularly taken with James’ observation that the internet was not really designed to do a lot the things that it is now mainly used for!

This would definitely be something you could explore further as we progress through the course.

If you haven’t yet done so, please do have a look at some of the comments on the Medium page for this session, and use this to share with us any reflections or questions you had about the session.

You should also review the material for next week’s session on Smart Cities before attending. It really does help us all to get more out of the sessions if you can engage with this content before attending!

With regard to your first assessment (Due on 15 Feb), please do review all the guidance on Digi Soc 1 before you start writing!

We would also strongly encourage you to review the guidance on the use of images and referencing in your post, as this is likely to be different from what you are used to doing with assessment.


The slides are now available to review here


You can listen to the podcast here.

Last, but not least, any questions can be emailed to us at

