Greta Thunberg and social media: amplifying a message for a better future


Bernardita Fabres
Digital Society
3 min readFeb 16, 2024


In a world flooded with information and digital activism, the young environmental activist Greta Thunberg stands out for her ability to use online platforms to mobilize people not only towards climate change, but also towards ceasefires in different parts of the world. As is the case of Gaza and Ukraine. From her first day protesting in front of the Swedish parliament to becoming a global public figure, Greta has demonstrated an exceptional understanding of how to use digital communication and the power of networks to amplify her message.

Photo taken from Vogue magazine


Twitter is Greta’s platform of choice for sharing ideas, sparking debates, calling to action, criticizing unsustainable environmental policies and practices, or advocating for peace. Her account (@GretaThunberg), with millions of followers (5.6M Followers), is a testament to how one voice can resonate globally. Through precise and concise tweets, Greta captures the urgency of climate change and world peace, while urging everyone to take immediate action. As you can see in the following images from her Twitter profile

Greta’s Twitter from Google
Greta’s Twitter from Google
Her Twitter profile


On Instagram , Greta (gretathunberg) takes a more personal approach to connecting with her audience. Here, she shares trips to international events, moments from her life, and behind the scenes of her activist activities, offering a more intimate view. This mix of personal content and activist messages demonstrates how activism is part of her daily life and inspires others to integrate sustainable practices into their routines or the ceasefire. As you can see in the following images from her Instagram profile

First post on her Instagram profile
Photo 1
Photo 2
Some posts from her profile


Less frequently, Greta uses the YouTube platform. This allows her to share and delve into complex topics with interview videos, documentaries, and speeches, expanding and enriching her messages with more context and arguments. Her speech at the United Nations General Assembly is a standout example, showcasing how she uses visual narratives to make an emotional and powerful call to action.



The activist demonstrates that achieving more effective digital communication (beyond mere presence on various social media platforms) requires the skillful use of these platforms to evoke emotions, tell a compelling story, and capture attention. Her success is not solely rooted in communication but rather in a blend of authenticity, urgency, passion, persistence, and a profound worldview, making her one of the most significant activists for climate change and peace in our times. She adeptly harnesses the power of media and digital society to effectively convey her message to the widest audience possible.

