Growing up in a digital world: opportunities and risks

Digital Society
Published in
7 min readMay 13, 2023
Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash

Welcome to an era where life revolves around digital technology!

The rise of smartphones, laptops and social media have turned into essential items that few people can do without. With such technology comes numerous benefits such as connectivity with people worldwide at any time plus access to immense amounts of data — learning has never been so easy! It’s possible now to create ideas or collaborate universally like never before. However; is it really all sunshine and rainbows? We must remain conscious of how to harness the advantages while avoiding potential harms. Join me as I delve into the implications of living in a digital world.

Online Communication

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

The emergence of social media platforms and messaging apps has revolutionised our ability to communicate with each other. Online communication has become more accessible and convenient than ever before. People can connect with others from anywhere in the world at any time without physical proximity limitations. As a result it’s easier for individuals to stay in touch with loved ones collaborate on projects and conduct business from remote locations.

I, as an international student who has a family living in a country that is 13 hours away by plane, have directly benefitted from such digital technology which enables me to talk to them at any time. Thanks to Instagram video call functions, I was able to celebrate my birthday with my family in real time, send gift cards to my sister who is graduating in a month, and catch up with some friends who I have not seen for a while.

Photo by Jorge Franganillo on Unsplash

On the other hand, while this accessibility brings many benefits it also opens up a range of potential harms. Fake news and misinformation are two significant issues amplified by the convenience of sharing information on social media platforms without fact-checking its accuracy beforehand. This is leading to dangerous divisions within society in critical areas like political elections or public health emergencies. Remember Covid-19? “It was not the US government that created the virus as suggested by some articles. And it wasn’t the Chinese government either. And no, 5G has nothing to do with it whatsoever.”

There are, though, several possible solutions to address this issue:

  1. Promoting media literacy: To effectively combat the proliferation of fake news, it is imperative that people are educated on how to identify it. Media literacy programs can help people learn how to scrutinise news sources critically, recognise bias and propaganda, and differentiate between facts and opinions.
  2. Encouraging responsible journalism: organisations can also encourage responsible journalism by taking steps such as fact checking, source verification and being transparent about their editorial processes.
  3. Regulating social media: Addressing the issue of fake news on social media can be achieved by putting in place policies that regulate such content. This entails making social media platforms accountable for their role in spreading misinformation and utilising measures like algorithms to promote accuracy. Possible deterrents could also include sanctions against users found sharing false information.
Photo by Morgan Basham on Unsplash

Additionally, cyberbullying brings significant mental health risks for victims such as depression or anxiety caused by anonymous harassment from others online. Social media platforms do have clear reporting mechanisms, however, this does not always stop their users from behaving inappropriately because people could say anything when they are anonymous. If I were the designer of a social media platform, I would make a policy where if a person gets reported more than three times, they will be permanently banned from the app. In order to do this, all users will need to sign up with their one and only phone number and will not be allowed to make multiple accounts with different ghost email addresses. Could Instagram or Snapchat implement a similar policy before I do? We will find out.

Furthermore, the addictive design features in social media can create harmful effects on productivity levels and lead to social isolation. As a result of increased online communication activities comes a reduction in face to face interactions resulting in decreased levels of empathy along with a rise in social isolation levels!

A video about how social media is designed to be addictive

Like me, who was still stuck in social media even after Covid-19 restrictions were lifted and we could freely go outside. I chose to stay home, being on my phone all day just to feel depressed and insecure from comparing myself to the unrealistic representation of other people. I am sure a lot of you have also experienced this situation and found it difficult to get out.

On one hand though, these changes have facilitated ease of collaboration remotely among many other benefits such as seamless conducting business transactions across vast geographies; on the flip side lies loopholes such as cyberbullying which can stem from being addicted or the spread of misinformation online. It is imperative to recognise and be proactive about these potential pitfalls while continuing to foster a responsible and empathetic culture within the digital arena.

Employability for a digital future

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence (AI) among other technological advancements has brought about a true transformation in our lives from automating routine tasks to enabling complex decision making. However, even though these benefits are undeniable the potential consequences, their impact on future job markets and employability cannot be overlooked. Technology’s growth spurt over recent years has brought with it considerable advantages especially with regards to AI’s ability to mechanise basic tasks that are notorious for being tedious or repetitive; therein freeing up humans’ time reserved previously for said tasks so they can engage in work that is more complex or creative instead — a change that bolsters efficiency, generates an improvement on productivity while simultaneously increasing speed and accuracy at solving problems.

Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Nevertheless, some industry watchers have voiced concern over employability among prospective job seekers looking ahead considering the rise of automation rendering many former “rote” jobs obsolete. “2017 report by McKinsey Global Institute claimed that up to a third of jobs in advanced economies such as the US and Germany may disappear by 2030.

This is a cause for worry as it could lead to unemployment and perhaps even destabilise whole economies. As a result, job markets may shift towards roles that require distinctly human skills such as creativity critical thinking, and emotional intelligence which are difficult areas for automation to penetrate. The rapid pace of technological advancement necessitates ongoing up-skilling and re-skilling to maintain relevance within today’s labor force continually. With technical expertise increasingly becoming a prerequisite, a rising skill gap poses challenges requiring adaptability among upcoming generations, like us, who will need an eagerness towards acquiring newfound knowledge throughout their career journeys.


Taking a course on living in a digital world has opened my eyes to novel insights. Digital technology was just always there since I was little and I never really questioned how people’s life would have been without it. Delving more profoundly into the repercussions of the development and application of technology made me realise how the society has changed over time with it and how much I was affected by it in many different ways without even noticing.

One of the most crucial abilities I gained from this course was analysing critically and thinking about multiple future possibilities. By examining diverse media sources, such as articles and videos on digital living, I acquired an extensive understanding of how technology has shaped our daily lives from different angles and perspectives. Studying distinct opinions also allowed me to develop precisely nuanced knowledge regarding that industry hence improving my analytical abilities which will undoubtedly come in handy while evaluating data across various settings.

Moreover, adapting to a new writing formats including blog posts and Pecha-Kucha presentations was challenging yet allowed me to communicate information better with a wider range of audiences. At first, I found it difficult handling the readership in a more colloquial tone because I was so used to academic writing with formal tone but its importance for articulating my thoughts clearly became apparent quickly. A holistic understanding of varied writing styles was gained from adjusting to diverse approaches for effective communication.

In addition, taking this course empowered me with essential knowledge about our digital environment for navigating world affairs better henceforth; topics ranging from social media impacts on mental wellbeing to privacy matters in today’s digital age were dissected well alongside digital transformation across healthcare and education sectors insightfully learned about too.

It also widened my knowledge about the importance of digital world on businesses, which is my field of study. By analysing a business that has an online preference in the beginning of the course, I learned that the rapid pace at which digital technology is advancing has fundamentally altered established business models while simultaneously creating novel prospects for growth and innovation. The dynamic business landscape today attests to this transformation with e commerce marketplaces and social media ad campaigns becoming ubiquitous features across industries. These cutting edge tools enable businesses to establish novel channels for customer interaction alongside fostering increased communication, collaboration, and customer engagement.

The great insights attained leave me assured about scaling through the ongoing digital revolution personally as well as professionally using resources acquired through this course. Undertaking this course has opened my eyes to the significant impact that technology has on us as individuals, communities, and societies at large. The knowledge I have acquired through this program will undeniably aid me in becoming a more discerning user of technology while also enabling me to make greater contributions towards building a more responsible digital future for all.



Digital Society

Undergraduate student in BSc Management. Writing about how the digital society affects business operations today.