Guide: Submit your work

A guide for UCIL26002 participants

Digital Society admin
Digital Society
3 min readJan 17, 2020


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Digital Society is an online course, hosted as a Medium publication. Your work, assessed and otherwise, is part of this publication. We think this makes the assessment more authentic, but we have to comply with University policy. Therefore, as well as your Medium post we ask that you also submit an anonymised Word copy for each piece of assessment to Turnitin via Blackboard, before the deadline. Please allow plenty of time for submission, especially for the first assignment.

We will use the Medium version for marking, but we will put your private feedback, quickmarks and overall mark on the Turnitin version.


For assessment, you need to submit your work to the Digital Society publication as a blog post and submit a Word copy to Turnitin via Blackboard.

Below is a three-step guide to doing this, which you should read and practise before submitting. Email with any questions.

  1. Submit your work to Digital Society
  2. Save your blog submission as a Word document
  3. Submit your Word document to Turnitin via Blackboard before the deadline

Step 1: Submit your work to Digital Society

When writing your assignment we recommend you work on the Medium platform but take a copy of your work regularly and save as a Word document. Medium auto-saves as you write but you can encounter errors where you lose internet connection. This backup will allow you to easily see your word count. We suggest you complete your work well before the deadline, and that you don’t use Internet Explorer.

Once you are a writer for Digital Society, you will see a green menu on the homepage.

The option to submit to Digital Society will be available shortly after you associate your Medium account with your University username using the Prepare and Reflect tool. You can check this by visiting the Digital Society publication homepage and looking for the green ‘writer’ menu towards the right. Contact the course tutors if you do not see this.

To submit to Digital Society:

  1. Write your post. Click Publish at the top of the page and add topic tags. Remember to use digisoc1 for the first assessment, digisoc2 for the second, digisoc3 for the last. Assessed work must be public.
  2. After publishing, click the ellipsis icon () at the top or bottom of your post. It’s easy to miss, so have a good look for it.
  3. Click Add to publicationDigital SocietyAdd.

If you have any problems, email as soon as possible and we will reply as soon as we can. It is important that you can submit your work so you should test this in advance. You can use the tag digisoc to write something general about the course as a test, it will not be assessed unless it is tagged digisoc1/digisoc2/digisoc3.

Step 2: Save your blog submission as a Word document

  1. Check you have published your work on Medium.
  2. Copy and paste the contents of your blog post into Word.
  3. At the top of the Word document delete your name, username and the image of yourself from the Word document — this is to ensure that your submission is marked anonymously.
  4. Save the amended Word document.

Step 3: Submit your Word document to Turnitin via Blackboard before the deadline

  1. Follow the Student Guide to Submitting an Assignment via Turnitin.
  2. You can find the submission point for each assessment in Blackboard > UCILUCIL26002 > Assessment.
  3. IMPORTANT: Use your student number as the submission title.
  4. Submit before the deadline, allowing plenty of time.
Use your student number as the submission title.


If you have any questions or issues, contact If you are unable to submit, please email us as soon as possible before the deadline, including screenshots, details of any problems, and any error messages.

