How AWAY has Dominated Social Media for the Suitcase

Niki Geladi
Digital Society
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2018

Entering an old age market with a fresh perspective is impressive; let alone whose status quo was never thought to be challenged. Emerging trends show consumers are more demanding than ever, which is changing the social media marketing landscape in many ways. AWAY, the business-to-consumer luggage maker has established a strong brand reputation using their social media on Instagram in a unique way that competitors should watch out for.

Keeping it Real

From the get-go, AWAY has maintained an impressive online social media strategy. They embrace Instagram as their key channel of communication, not just to share content, but to tell their story on a medium that their travel-addicted target market can relate to. The luggage company uses a subtle tone through beautiful imagery, photography and travel to highlight the features of their suitcase. Each picture portrays simplicity with a hidden message; grabbing the attention of their target market who are likely to dream of traveling to the destinations’ in AWAY’s pictures.

Away’s Instagram Feed

For example, the image above is a glimpse to their Instagram feed. The company establishes a comfortable feeling in their posts, while allowing the suitcase to make a subtle appearance throughout many of their pictures. This shows how they do not push their products onto their audience; but instead, encourages the audience to seek out their brand.

Analyzing deeper, you can notice that not only are they setting their brand’s tone through pictures, but through the captions too. AWAYS’ captions are short but powerful, such as “sand, meets stone” or “feels like coming home”; putting the viewer at ease without bombarding them with mass amounts of information.


AWAY also maintains customer engagement by focusing on establishing relationships with their followers. Quite often, you see companies on social media that promote conventional contests or giveaways. However, AWAY has defied these traditional tactics by also creating a platform that not only sets the stage for their own brand, but gives fans the opportunity to share their own photo’s on AWAY’s Instagram page. This unique communication technique builds brand loyalty whilst demonstrating that they are engaged in what their customers are doing and always putting them first.

LEFT: Ervin’s post — RIGHT: Away’s post

Partnerships and Influencers

To top it all off, AWAY established a network of well-known influencers and ambassadors to help promote their brand on various Instagram pages. Their partnership with travel related influencers such as Olivia Lopez (@lusttforlife) opened their brand up to a broader audience while setting a positive image for themselves in the minds’ of Olivia’s fans.

All in all, AWAY has proven that their travel bag brand can be amplified through the use of a simple, subtle and multifaceted communication strategy. They are able to achieve rapid growth in their follower base from establishing relationships with well-known influencers. But, most importantly, it is their ability to maintain customer interest through their authentic posts that has made them such a well respected brand. With their attention to detail and aesthetic look, AWAY knows how to keeps it real while putting the customer first.

