Human and AI: Living Together In the Digital World

Chang Chen
Digital Society
Published in
7 min readMay 3, 2024


Our daily lives are being impacted by artificial intelligence. A.I. tools are helping people to save time at work, to make daily life easier or just to have fun. Furthermore, AI is used in more ways than we can imagine! AI starts with the Turing Test, made by Turing in 1950s to determine the question” whether machines can think”. As a result, it is evident that AI systems like ChatGPT are capable of answering our queries and having discussions. Today, I’ll examine artificial intelligence in our daily lives in this blog.

-Being as A Student


-Ethics? With Employment

-Our responsibilities as ‘digital citizens’- Copyright

Being as A Student

Have you ever gone through a period when you were not inspired to work? I constantly run into situations like this, where our group needs to come up with a suitable writing topic. Sometimes it takes a while to come up with a good topic, but AI can. According to a questionnaire, teachers allow AI to help with brainstorming ideas or research. With AI, like ChatGPT, we may ask questions and receive comprehensive responses. The easiest application of AI is this. In the education process, AI can help foster the skills students will need to navigate and shape the future, by providing an automated, adaptive and individual education plan. The AI can provide a personalized study plan for a student in order to enhance their performance, based on the student’s prior exam behavior and error records. AI is a practical and efficient teaching tool that has applications for all people.

Photo by Iewek Gnos on Unsplash


From the post of a peer: tech giants are seizing advances in AI to propel medicine forward, from smart watches to top hospitals. I do agree with this, yes. Each smart watch that we wear on our wrist may enables self-monitoring of personal activities, calculates calories and tests the heart beat. Additionally, AI is assisting people in creating dietary and fitness routines that match to their energy intake and usage in order to help them become in good physical condition.

Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

For hospitals, here are expectations about improved efficiency and effectiveness by the introduction of AI. Medical personnel must act with greater professional because disease situations are complex, particularly for elders. However, there is a lack of qualified medical resources in many places. it is essential for hospitals to develop applied AI systems, for remote patient monitoring, automatic data recording, sharing of medical cases globally, and performing surgery. Artificial Intelligence is compensating for the hospital’s lack of medical resources by offering its consumers tailored health programs.

Ethics? With Employment

An issue to consider with the development of AI is the job market, AI is starting to replace human beings: AI could affect or eliminate 25% of United States jobs. It will also result in further economic issues. That sounds scary, doesn’t it? AI is not just about replacing low-skilled labor; it may also be used to augment assembly line laborers and drivers in automobiles. The pay for producing items is $30.24, while the pay for transportation is only $25.64 — lower than the US average wage rate. A family’s financial resources are lost due to unemployment, which can also result in poverty and a reduction in living standard.As mentioned in the previous paragraph about the application of AI in health care, AI is replacing doctors, hence AI has the potential to replace professional laborers as well. Since artificial intelligence is still developing, is it possible to forecast a higher unemployment rate in the future? A nation’s economy will suffer when people lose jobs, but who is responsible for this? Human or the AI? People must impose restrictions on the usage of AI since it is causing an increasing number of people to lose their jobs, as a result of its integration into various businesses.

Photo by Samson on Unsplash

Our Responsibilities As ‘Digital Citizens’- Copyright

The chatbots’ responses are composed of a range of sources; for example, they may generate a new image from hundreds of historical images or an article from several academic publications. This process has legal risks, including intellectual property infringement and copyright. According to Turnitin’s research, 11% of works contain more than 20% content created by AI. A few weeks ago, three Chinese art students shared the steps involved in making an amazing piece of art, and they received 209K favorites on social media. Unfortunately, it was discovered later on that AI was used to create this artwork. After three students got into a dispute, the public pressured them to state that artificial intelligence was used to make their “work”. The artwork has been made by AI, but the three students write the code that makes it a reality. Who is the owner of this work’s copyright? To resolve the copyright problem, courts are sorting out how the laws on the books should be applied to deal with the problem of the copyright of AI-generated works. In a nutshell, using AI is acceptable as long as we declare that the work was generated by AI. This is our responsibilities as a “digital citizen”.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash


Artificial intelligence is becoming a component of our education and healthcare systems, making humans and AI a strong combination. In addition, adopting AI presents difficulties such as the issue of unemployment and and the responsibility of being a ‘digital citizen’, which is the copyright attribution.

“Experts emphasize that artificial intelligence technology itself is neither good nor bad in a moral sense, but its uses can lead to both positive and negative outcomes.

However, I strongly think that AI will only be utilized by humans going forward. The only need is that we apply it properly! What do you think about this?


I’ve gained a lot of knowledge from the course. Since it’s online, attending many lectures offline and taking a break from learning my major courses has helped reduce my stress. Before my knowledge of the digital world was shallow, I only knew a little bit about the internet and AI. This course has opened my eyes to a new world.

I’m learning new things about the digital world every week as I read the articles, but I’m also facing difficulties with my studies. There are a lot of new ideas in specialized topics, and sometimes reading about them directly makes it difficult for me to understand them. I always need invest some time in research before continuing, such as learning the concept of brain-computer interfaces. But at the same time, undergoing those challenges let me have a deep understanding of the digital world.

I discovered after studying for this course that I am already applying some of the ideas we are studying! One system that connects various things and devices is the Internet of Things (IoT). My phone and desk lamp may actually be connected to the Internet of Things as Siri allows me to switch the lamp off remotely. Another idea that interests me much is the concept of Smart Cities. Things like “people go to work by plane” and “trains running under the bridge” used to make me think of smart cities. However, smart cities fall into three categories: 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. These categories focus more on sustainability and the economics than on specific technologies. Like the sharing economy that we are experiencing right now, shared power banks that are common in China, shared bikes, and Uber. I mistook it for a new way to achieve earning money for businesses, but it’s a component of smart city 3.0!

The course has also made me realize that, despite the fact that the internet and other digital technologies — like online shopping and virtual try-ons — benefit us all. However, this course has to teach think critically about digital society: our private information has been damaged.

I think enrolling in this course will be very beneficial to me in the future. First of all, holding classes virtually in the future will be quite popular as students learn how to study independently, conduct research, and do time management. In addition, this course “teaches” me how to write a blog, as academic writing not be useful once I graduate. It would be more beneficial to write in an informal way. All things considered, I truly enjoy this course; its material is fresh and fascinating, providing me with an expanded understanding of the digital world I inhabit.

