“Data” by Pixabay. Retrieved from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/abstract-art-blur-bright-373543/ (CC0 License)

Internet of Things and some other things.

edward chiu
Digital Society
Published in
8 min readMay 21, 2018


Interconnected technologies are rapidly re-shaping our living world. From consumer welfare to large businesses, what are the actual benefits of these technologies and, are we sure about that ?

“Quality Life” by Julian Jagtenberg. Retrieved from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sunset-sunshine-travel-wings-103127/ (CC0 License)

In 2018, we have an internet refrigerator than tracks its own stock through barcode scanning, notifies weather conditions, saves recipes from the web and plays music from Sportify. We have a smartphone, of which you can download a home assistant app that switches nearly every electrical appliances in your house. We have an electric car that accelerates faster than a mini piston-aircraft, while driving and navigating on its own via the in-car GPS system.

We are finally starting to enjoy a life that allows us to cuddle in our sofas during evenings, watching and listening to our favourite soap operas and tracklists without being bothered by miscellaneous tasks. It is not something that happens in the unknown future, its happening right now, with the help of interconnected devices or Internet of Things (IoT).’

Internet of Things (IoT) — What is this thing ?

“Internet of Things” by ahmadrau51. Retrieved from Flickr under a creative common license.

Its the virtual Wi-Fi network of electrical devices, sensors and any other IoT-supported assets that enables instant transfer of data. Meanwhile, the network endeavors to link any possible devices on plant earth, ranging from consumer electronics to industrial plants and machines.

If you think IoT is only about providing technological conveniences to consumers, then you are underestimating what it is potentially capable of. In fact, technologists and engineers are heralding IoT as the flash point of the “fourth industrial revolution”, of which its application will possibly take place in, but not limited to: business, healthcare, innovation, mobility, cities and society in the future.

Actually, a wide-scale and cross-industry implementation of IoT systems is happening sooner that we thought. Cisco has suggested that we are currently living in a world that has more electronic devices connected to the internet than the actual number of users. Peter Newman has further estimated that there will be more than 55 million IoT devices in the world by 2025. He has further observed that multinational firms are increasingly investing in IoT systems. Honeywell’s recent action in integrating digital technologies into manufacturing might provide some hint in this phenomenon.

So why firms are taking IoT systems seriously ? Is IoT that perfect ?

How good is IoT in general ?

Researchers have suggested numerous benefits of IoT, and here are two major motives for firms to implement IoT systems.

  1. Safety, Productivity and Comfort
“Industrial safety” by Alexander Dunmer. Retrived from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-laptop-industry-internet-132700/ (CC0 License)

IoT systems have freed workers from working in hazardous environments. By remotely connecting electronic devices to a separate control site via Wi-Fi, workers will need not to visit the construction site and perform dangerous tasks by themselves.

In the energy sector, for instance, the Smart Adaptable Assembly System is adopted to lay high-voltage power lines. Particularly, the system is web-linked to an off-site work station, of which it is controlled by engineers within the station. The assembly system itself is equipped with micro-sensors and cameras that can report status of work and faults in real time, which has not only enabled automation of repetitive and hazardous tasks, but has also enabled more precise assembly works to be remotely done.

Meanwhile, the system’s ability to automate tasks has also shorten the duration of project, which has increased the overall efficiency of a company.

2. Accurate decision making

“World is Changing” by Porapak Apichodilok. Retrieved from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/ball-shaped-blur-close-up-focus-346885/ (CC0 license)

Accurate data analysis gives rise to profitability and efficiency. Interconnected technologies allow more precise and all-rounded data collection, which will in turn enhance business analyst’s ability to analyze large trends from empirical data. Decision makers will then be awarded a vision that is strongly supported by error-prone and in-depth numbers, giving them the power to seize new business opportunities as well as to better aware and avoid unsystematic risks.

Siemens is making its first move in IoT implementation and has managed to obtain some exciting results. In particular, they have managed to reduce the rate of delay in Amtrak’s Washington to New York line service by 33% through their new interconnected systems. By deploying 900 air pressure sensors on their company’s locomotives, engineers from the data center are able to evaluate the frequency of electronic failures and have therefore developed railroad maintenance plans for US regional train depots, which has successfully boosted efficiency and durability of train services.

Any drawbacks and ethical concerns of IoT ?

Firms, however, do undergo serious considerations before adopting new technologies. Here are two of the major issues that firms might face when investing in IoT systems:

  1. Security and Privacy risks
“Data Privacy” by Luis Gomes. Retrieved from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blur-close-up-code-computer-546819/ (CC0 License)

You have a system that connects many electronic devices, of which it will retrieve and transfer enormous amount of data. The system is therefore naturally exposed to data breaching risk as the firm will need to employ a third party data company to manage their data, in which this might potentially encourage some technicians to sell their private data.

You might have heard of the recent scandal between Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, of which the latter party had illegally harvested 50 million Facebook profiles to develop a system that can tailor political advertisements. If there is already a breach in basic private data, how can we assure that nothing will go wrong in a massive virtual network of devices ?

2. Ethical concerns: manpower vs technology

“Manpower vs Technology” by rawpixel.com. Retrieved from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/three-person-holding-smartphones-1061579/ (CC0 License)

New technologies tend to excel in some particular skills, which will potentially make some of the physical labor redundant. By introducing more new technologies, firms will inevitably have lesser demand in traditional workforce, which will in turn increase overall unemployment rate.

While the outcome of unemployment can be catastrophic, is it really ethical for firms just to maximize profits without considering the relative impact on our livings ? Should there be any laws and regulations to prevent private firms from “over-adoption” of new technologies ?


Interconnected technologies are gradually re-shaping every aspects of our lives. From consumer welfare to business efficiency, we are enjoying the seemed-to-be endless benefits of IoT systems and we are very happy to introduce more of them. But are we sure that we don’t have to carefully evaluate the possible impacts and ethical concerns of implementing these new technologies ? Nothing is flawless in this world, so perhaps we should re-consider whether we should always lay a big red carpet to new things ?

Reflection and Enlightenment

“Reflection” by Pixabay. Retrieved from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/abendstimmung-ball-shaped-clouds-dawn-220429/ (CC0 license)

I have to admit that the digital world was not a field that I fancy understanding at. I tend to accept every single pieces of new technology into my life without deeply considering their implications, let alone considering how would it potentially affect me and my peers.

After studying the Digital Society course, I have realized how naive am I to believe that technology will always contain more benefits than setbacks. In fact, it highly depends on the purpose of invention and implementation. This is one the most important inspiration that I have found during my study in this course.

My initial reaction to Digisoc1 was pure shock, as neither I had any experience in blog writing, nor I believe that I could develop any online communication skills by writing a 500 words post. It turns out that it was not an easy task to deliver a strong and all-rounded opinion within such a tiny word limit. I have since learnt how to express my point using precise and short languages, of which I have gradually discovered that it is a vital skill in not only online communication, but also in business negotiations. I sincerely believe that precision communication skill that I have obtained will be a very desirable skill in academic fields or in employment.

I was then being introduced to Pecha Kucha style of presentation when I was doing my digisoc2 assignment. Like many others, I had never heard of what Pecha Kucha was until I actually listened to an official Pecha Kucha 20x20 presentation. I was absolutely amazed by the fact that the presenter had managed to deliver core messages and ideas without any words on their power-points, as well as to stimulate audiences’ imagination by a number of beautiful pictures. I am since highly determined to master this style of presentation and I can’t wait to present in this style in the next occasion, of which I believe that such style of presentation will be much more convincing that traditional forms of presentation.

I wasn’t really capable of writing blog posts with informal tones and I had constantly hesitated about my ability to communicate effectively online throughout the course. Luckily, opportunities such as commenting on topics in medium and various in-class interactive sessions had enabled me to develop a broader knowledge in different writing styles, of which I have now realized that it is vital for a successful writer to master one of more writing styles. By managing different styles the writer will then be free in writing on any platforms, yet still being able to convey the information that he wish to include. I will endeavor to explore more writing styles after this course, of which I hope that I will be able to swap different types of tones in writing one day.

Overall, the Digital Society course will always be one of the most interesting units that I have studied. Every session in the course is an opportunity for me to re-think about the relationship of technologies and lives and I am especially glad that the course is interactive based, of which we are able to discuss various ideas with our peers and on different topic. There will never be an end in the discovery of truth. By doing this, humans will be more capable to acceptable differences, as well as to critical analysis every issue in the future.

“City under long exposure” by Puk Patrick. Retrieved from Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/QEgWlY1uxwM under Unsplash’s free license

