More than 1.65 billion people have downloaded TikTok.

Meiying li
Digital Society
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

With the development of technology, people’s daily lives are inextricable linked with the internet. In this blog, I would like to analyze the most popular application — tiktok in China. Why has this application become popular and how has it changed people’s lives?

TikTok is a creative short social video app for all ages. The purpose of TikTok initially was recording and sharing happiness. In the beginning of TikTok, people liked using special effects and motio goggles to make videos more attractive. As time goes on, more people would like to join in, the video type become more diversified. For example, someone likes sharing dancing videos, someone likes recording their pets and someone likes teaching people how to do make-up. In this case, some ordinary people have gained fans and earned money through this app. Besides, some people resign from their own jobs to make videos. In my opinion, TikTok has provided job opportunities without any entry barriers.

In addition, TikTok warms people’s hearts and makes them more cohesive. Last year, some people in rural areas had it hard to buy on a daily basis due to the pandemic. However, through TikTok, others know this tough situation and donate supplies to them, including clothes, food and medicines. Throughout the spread of videos, more and more people get involved in charity, which is undoubtedly increasing the social cohesion and sense of happiness. Furthermore, people could also buy products through TikTok that make people’s lives easier, especially during the Covid-19. According to the research, Jiaqi Li has sold out 15k lipsticks in 5 minutes.

The marketing model of live broadcast with goods eliminates intermediate links reduce costs, increases sales efficiency, and forms a low-price promotion in the form of group buying, which is very attractive to small and medium-sized enterprises. Last, but not the least, some poverty-stricken areas, or areas with unsalable agricultural products can also sell through online celebrity live broadcasts and have embarked on the road to alleviating poverty.

However, some TikTok creators join the company to pack themselves. In other words , they tell fake stories to attract people and start carrying goods online to earn money when they own some fans. These creators usually have lower prices than the same product on the market, which makes people more likely to shop online. However, some of these products haven’t been subjected to rigorous quality testing which may cause irrational effects when the consumer use them.

This phenomenon has become more and more common. Moreover, some TikTok creators start live streaming to gain profit from receiving gifts from others. In this case, they tried to induce people, no matter teenagers or the old, don’t have the ability to earn money by themselves to spend money for the creators. For a long time, young adults may be addicted to the internet and build the wrong value, even go astray.

To sum up, TikTok do have a lot of benefits and make people’s life more interesting and convenient, but the drawbacks should not be ignored.

