Living In an Overloaded Digital World: Empowerment or Enslavement?

Don’t let your phone addiction control you, but instead, take charge of whatever online experience you choose to have!

7 min readMay 5, 2023
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash


With almost everyone having a smartphone in hand nowadays, it’s safe to say that we are entering a whole new digital era. The undeniable fact is that electronic devices are becoming an inseparable part of our lives, isn’t it? However, under the glamorous appearance of social media, there are people who are unconsciously suffering. While we do get to enjoy the convenience of technology, do we as users really understand the price that comes with it? By being a member of this ever-evolving, technological world, we need to adapt our approach and relationship with smart devices in order to create a friendly, sustainable digital world.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Sea of Information or Sea of Distraction?

As citizens of the digital world, we are only a text away from one another. It’s also surprising how quickly news from the other side of the world can reach you in a matter of seconds. However, with this remarkably functional device always within reach, have you ever tracked how much time you spent on your device? The worrying statistic suggests that people average spend 6 hours 58 minutes of screen time every day, and it has been increasing by 50 minutes per day since 2013.

Poll: How long is your screen time? Options: Less than an hour ( < 60 mins)/ 1–3 Hours ( 60–180 mins)/ 3–6 Hours ( 180–360 mins)/More than 6 Hours ( >360 mins)

Having an unhealthy relationship with your phone not only takes away your valuable time with family and friends, but it can also erode your productivity in completing tasks. An alarming article by Shreya Dalela highlights a concerning trend in modern society — phone notifications and algorithms are leading to instant gratification, a preoccupation with pleasure-seeking behaviour, and information overload. Where these are the main reasons for procrastination and inability to focus during work.

Where Medium user MK lyer has described this situation as ‘how it[phone addiction] both it is the cause and effect of my anxiety’. The frustration of procrastination and a lack of progress towards our goals, leading to increased anxiety and a vicious cycle of phone addiction. Therefore a phone addiction is formed. The utterly brutal fact is our brains are becoming increasingly reliant on smart devices in this digital world, and without awareness, our screen time is likely to continue to increase. Now that we know that phone addiction is real, it is time to start some changes.

Photo by Nicolás Flor on Unsplash

Mental Health

Prolonged use of screens has also been linked to negative side effects, such as depression, anxiety, poor emotion regulation and sleeping quality downgrading. Especially when users are on social media, where the content might lead them to compare themselves with others, question their self-esteem and feel frustration, loneliness and dissatisfaction. Not to mention the destructive damage that some aggressive debates and cyberbullying could have done to vulnerable groups, which these behaviour are often hidden in plain sight online. The statistic suggests that one in five children experienced at least one form of cyberbullying.

Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

However, there are two faces of the coin, with the correct use of technology, the Internet could be extremely useful. For example, the Internet has made it easier for people to connect with mental health professionals, support groups, families, friends and hotlines. In addition, helps can also be found for them to find belongingness in the work or school environment. Most importantly, mental health was once considered an unspeakable topic due to the fear of judgement and unawareness. However, the Internet helped eliminate these stereotypical views and provides a safe space for people to seek help, encouraging patients to be prepared to seek professional health. A collective effort is needed in fostering an environment that endorses ethical and responsible use of technology, ensuring that its benefits are maximized while minimizing its adverse effects.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Online Responsibility & Ethics

The Internet was never a utopia where everyone get along and have a friendly discussion. However, now that the Internet is so widely accessible to people of all ages and vastly reach. There is a need to build a friendly, safe online community for people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds and experiences. Therefore digital citizens should be aware of the impact of their online behaviour and speech on others, and realise there is a bigger responsibility than ever before.

Over 50% of the students voted in a poll in the Medium post on The Individual, Identity and Ethics think that we can apply the same rules to our online lives as we do to our offline lives. It could be a space with respect, empathy, integrity and forgiveness. Whatever the rules or ethics of our digital world are, it should transform it to be part of our life we look forward to exploring and comfortable to be in.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash


The technology itself is neutral; it can bring us happiness or pain, depending on how it was utilised. Instead of letting them dominate our lifestyle and emotions, the implication of living in a digital world means we need to constantly reevaluate how we can leverage technology to enhance our quality of life and well-being. Here’s an article below that might help you to detox from phone addiction and take back control of your life! With a common effort in building safe, respectful and welcoming online spaces, technology can bring unimaginable positive changes to our society. By being mindful of the negative consequences of technology and taking proactive steps to avoid them, we can fully enjoy the benefits of living in a digital world.


I started the course thinking it would be about the history of how the Internet evolved over time, but I have come to discover that its content encompasses far more than just that. This course has provided me with the invaluable opportunity to broaden my perspectives regarding the fact that we are currently living in a digital era which is inseparable from our everyday reality and how it could have an impact on us.

Using my favourite topic ‘The Internet of Things’ as an example, I am surprised at these technological advancements have been integrated into our daily lives, and how they have improved with remarkable speed without us realising. It is truly a privilege that we are fortunate enough to live in this era of innovation, where our daily lives are enriched by these advancements. The course also provides me with the opportunity to critically think about our position in the digital world by completing the assignment such as Digsoc 3, which is rarely the case for me in reality. I now understand the responsibility and potential consequences that come with the benefit of technological innovations. Despite I am unsettled by the level of responsibility we now have as a member of the digital world. However, I will actively be cautious about how to responsibly engage with the digital world to ensure that our digital world is progressing toward a responsible and ethical manner both now and in the future.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

One of the biggest challenges that I had from the course was to write something online. The thought that our online comments might be permanent had made me hesitant to participate in online discussions actively. At the start, I was unsure about joining and expressing my real opinion in the comment box on each week’s topic. However, positive feedback gradually boosted my confidence, and I thoroughly enjoyed the valuable experience of interacting with students from other fields and exchanging ideas with them throughout the course. Of course, mistakes were made along the way. For example, I was initially unaware that licensed pictures were required for our blog posts, but I quickly corrected this error in my subsequent assignments. The positivity and encouragement were what made me gain the courage to express my opinion online, which has motivated me to perform in the same way online in the future.

The course had really opened a brand new perspective for me to view this innovative world. It has been challenging, informative and allowing us to explore topics of personal interest, for which I very much enjoy and am thankful for being part of this course.

