Shreddy: the Instagram engagement success story

Amelia Gunn
Digital Society
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2020

SHREDDY is your one stop solution for reaching your fitness goals. Hundreds of workouts, recipes, meal plans, real-time classes and a motivated community all programmed in one place for you to reach your goals’.

This motivating mission statement on the homepage of the Shreddy website is certainly enticing. It is simple and succinct and suggests that subscribing to Shreddy is the next step in becoming your best self in 2020. This positive message seems to be reiterated all over social media by not only the Shreddy social itself, but also the growing Shreddy ‘community’. The community focus of this app and associated business is the key method of engagement via their digital platforms. They successfully engage with their users by creating a platform, on their social media posts and via the app, for shared motivation and accountability.

Shreddy use two main platforms, the website and also instagram, to spread the word to potential users and engage their current subscribers. The visual aspects of all the communication on their digital platforms are aesthetically pleasing with a consistent colour scheme of coordinating tones which represent their target market and the vision they want to create for the business. The bold almost primary colours create an empowered, confident feeling yet the pastel tones suggest a feminine feel and makes Shreddy seem less intimidating and more welcoming.

Image used for Review. GIF created (using GIPHY CAPTURE) of Shreddy instagram page. Available at:

The Shreddy social media posts are very successful at engaging with their target audience as they are interactive, often asking questions to the community ...

… and the team respond quickly to the users who engage and reply. In addition they regularly reward the subscribers who they feel have worked hard and/or achieved a lot, by sharing their mental / physical transformations or progress pictures on the Shreddy social media.

Some might say, that the key to the success of the app has been the consumer generated content by the Shreddy community which promote the product and sing its praises (essentially free forms of marketing for the Shreddy organisation). The users of the app are encouraged by the Shreddy social media team to share their experiences of the app via Instagram posts and use the hashtags that they provide in order to create a community.

The main hashtags used include:





The last two of these hashtags are related specifically to ‘challenges’ set by the Shreddy team. These challenges encourage Shreddy subscribers to compete against others in the community in order to win prizes.

Image used for review (GIF created using GIPHY CAPTURE on Shreddy Instagram. Available at )

Not only does the competitive aspect and the opportunity to win prizes, naturally encourage engagement within the community as the users share tips and tricks and compare their progress (ie. size up their competition) BUT it is actually a criterion for qualifying as a competition candidate as the competition guidelines state you must be active in response to Shreddy social media posts and also on the app chatroom itself.

In Summary, Shreddy engages their audience via their strong visual communication with an underlying empowering rhetoric



Amelia Gunn
Digital Society

International Business, Fiancne and Economics student at the University of Manchester