Student? Business Woman? Fitness Inspiration? The rise of GraceFit

Amy Jones
Digital Society
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019


Who is Grace Beverly?

Grace Beverly was just 18 when she decided to start documenting her fitness journey on the well-known social media platform — Instagram. Three years down the line and I think it’s fair to say she had no idea that she would have gained such a massive following across all platforms. And she’s definitely reaping the benefits — now being a proud business owner. Being a student, vegan, ex-girlfriend, typical teenager, feminist and friend means that GraceFit isn’t short of things to talk about to relate to her wide audience. These characteristics are why I find myself being included in her 1 million instagram followers and 495K youtube subscribers.


Grace is just 21 years old and owns her own business, but is this something most 21 year olds can relate to? no. But breakups, gym anxiety, money stresses, uni struggles and going out are something nearly every teenager can resonate with. It’s these videos that I think has led to the success of ‘GraceFit UK’ and her company, which sold over 150,000 physical products last year alone. Like I said, a 21 year old business woman isn’t something I could even imagine becoming but the content on Grace’s channel makes her ‘human’ — someone we can connect with (even through our digital devices)

And finally, people are nosy, we love gossip and what’s more enticing than videos called “LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX”???


“Seeking relationships, not just followers” but how do you create relationships with over 1 million followers? After purchasing some of the guides and merchandise Grace sells, I was invited to a private facebook group with other customers. What better way to add value and help form relationships than inviting your customers to become apart of the GraceFit community? These type of brand communities reduce the need to offer individual support to each customer. Speaking from experience, work out guides aren’t always the easiest to follow. Am i doing this right? is my back supposed to be in agony? what weight do i use? Being apart of this community means other consumers can answer these questions for you, strengthening your associations with Grace and her products.


Grace openly talks about how she’s used social media as her only form of advertisement. I mean, she’s already built up a huge audience and what better people to advertise her products to than her following? And what better indicator of a successful online presence than a successful e-commerce business? So if you want the down-low on the next stock release, the first (and probably only place) you’re gonna hear about it is via Grace’s social media platforms. With products selling out during every stock release, I’m struggling to find a reason as to why you’re not following GraceFit. (unless you’re a boy)

