ChiKit Fu
Digital Society
Published in
6 min readAug 17, 2018


The implications of living in a digital world

This post has two parts. In the first part, themes included Internet of Things (IoT), Smart cities, and Internet will be used to explain the implications of living in a digital world. As to the second part, reflection such as what I gained will be explained.

First part:

(1) The Implication of Internet of things (IoT)

As Andrew Meola mentioned in his article, “In short, the Internet of Things refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects that are able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors.” For example, you can check the public transport or weather forecast through your Apple watch. IoT has impacts on Business, Healthcare, Education, and society. The impacts of IoT at the societal level will be explained by the theme of smart cities.

(1a) Business:

With the advent of IoT software, the productivity of business will be increased. For example, human mistakes often occurred in the traditional way of Inventory management. IoT software helps solve the mistake and allows workers complete task quicker.

However, on the downside, management on devices may become complex. For instance, all the integrated devices need to be updated on the latest software. This is costly regarding the IT needs. As a result, the benefit from the productivity mentioned above and costs need to balance out.

(1b) Healthcare:

In terms of healthcare, monitoring device (IoT) can be installed with patients. These devices can transmit the data from patients to doctor in the hospital, which reduces the time for patients to queue and need for doctor’s attention.

However, the monitoring device on patients leads to both the privacy and security problem. As to the privacy problem, the data collected from the pacemaker can be used for insurance or fraud purpose. As to the security problem, hackers might be able to attack against the server provider. That being said, such problems can be prevented by strengthening the security, such as changing the default password for IoT device.

(1c) Education:

With regard to the education, IoT allows students to use their wireless devices in the classroom or at home. For example, the materials are available on e-book, or teachers can answer students’ questions through the IoT software, which are more engaging and interactive. Besides, the sensor can track the student’s attendance, which enhances the classroom discipline.

Same as IoT on healthcare, security is the problem. For instance, hackers may attack the server and the data of students will be taken away. Worse still, the coursework of students might get exposure, which leads to the problem of plagiarism.

(2) Internet of things (IoT) creates Smart cities

At the societal level, since the IoT is capable to solve different issues such as traffic congestion, smart cities are created as a result.

As Chris mentioned in his post, “We live in a technology-driven world where technological devices control everything around us. Everything from interactive microwaves and cars, to smart cars, our lives are shaped by IoT technology.”

(2a) Crime decline:

According to Eric, a survey of Montreal riders finds that — half of all active cyclists have their bikes stolen, and only 2.4 percent are recovered.

In order to reduce the rate of bike theft, IoT technology can help address the problem. For example, companies such as Bitlock use the IoT technology to strengthen the bike lock system, users can easily lock their bikes through their mobile device.

(2b) Traffic management:

IoT software helps solve the traffic congestion problem. Data that collected from the city, which provides users with the right spot for parking or roadway to achieve the departure. This adjustment reduces the stress on both heavy traffic and parking. Also, this is convenient for users since they do not need to spend time to look for a parking spot.

(2c) Environmentally friendly hence reducing cost:

Smart streetlight is another result of IoT. With smart streetlights, the LED streetlights will be turned only when people pass by. This reduces the electronic cost and improves the city aesthetics in the specific area.

As Justin mentioned in the Forbes, Los Angeles decided to launch the LEO streetlights project, is estimated save the company around 9.5 million from both electrical and maintenance costs.

While IoT technology brings significant benefits to different sectors, it is crucial to consider the barriers of implementation:

1. Design

It is important to solve the issue such as street design, as well as various constructions which are costly.

2. IoT network

Since the IoT mainly relied on data transfer, a city requires a strong network with massive data.

3. Security

As mentioned above, security in the network is always required. These data may be taken away by the hacker for fraud purpose without proper measurement.

(3) Implication of Internet

According to the report from we are social, over half of the population of the world uses the internet. It is undoubtful that internet is crucial to us. For instance, internet slang was developed, people from different countries can interact with each other, the idea of global citizens follows as a result. Meanwhile, ethic and responsibility such as copyright, personal privacy, and publishing comments are concerned.

(3a) Digital plagiarism

Social media website such as YouTube, has strict rules in copyright. Copyright is important to our community, because it protects the right of uploaders. Users are willing to upload video or article only when they are protected.

(3b) Personal Privacy

Some organizations especially research house has undercover marketing such as recruiting spammers, who spread good or bad comments for specific products or services. Thus, it is important to verify the identity of the user, to make sure the internet community is healthy. Social platform such as Facebook, has the policy on personal privacy. For one thing, identifying the user is important; for another thing, explanation of how Facebook handles users’ data cannot be neglected.

(3c) Internet messages

Publishing comments on the website can be anonymous. Negative or fake messages from the website create negative externalities. Therefore, every internet user has the responsibility to be aware of what they say on the internet.

Second part: Reflection

This part focuses on what I learnt through the course. Different elements were developed, while I study different themes from the course, which are as follows:


As the purpose of this post is to explain the implication of living in a digital world, looking for the reference to support the idea is unavoidable. With respect to the referencing, I found that it is crucial for writing essay since it proofs the writing was not stolen from other writers. This is the same principle when it comes to the copyright in the digital world, it protects the right of users. Thereby, users are motivated to upload their videos to share their thought. Finally, the idea of global citizens is built, and ensuring the digital world is healthy.

Besides, I realized looking for cross-reference is important. Because each individual has his own perspective, cross-reference means they own the same point, but are supported by different statement.

Understanding in the future:

Studying this course also helps to acquire knowledge. The correlations between IoT and smart cities are found. For instance, Smart cities are created when IoT comes to the societal level. IoT also supports the idea of M2M development in the future. In long-term development, some of the ideas from IoT such as smart streetlight suits the idea of sustainability.

By contrast, downsides are raising awareness while the digital world develops. For example, personal information such as GDP is often required when it comes to M2M. This leads to the privacy problem and the ethics of business. Because organization can sell the users data to the third party for getting profits each other. Security is also an important part while developing smart cities, the cities server can be attacked by hackers or other countries. The government needs to consider whether or not to heavily rely on the system.

Critical thinking:

Many videos or contents can be found on various platforms such as YouTube or Facebook. Organization often look for Key Opinion leaders for advertising, while developing undercover marketing such as recruiting spammer. It is crucial to develop our critical thinking, in order to avoid receiving the wrong messages. Uploading post or video is convenience than before, as the digital world grows. Some videos may lack of copyright, other users might upload their post just for practicing their skills on writing or techniques. Thus, cross-reference might help find out the true messages from the digital world.

Ethics and responsibility:

When it comes to ethics or social responsibility, people might think these themes belong to organization. However, ethics or social responsibility are the same important for the individual while the digital world grows. Since people can easily publish their comments on the website and share their thoughts. These comments create positive or negative externalities for third parties. Because every internet user can read the writer’s comments and understand his value. Thus, spamming, flaming or cyberbullying should be avoided. As a result, the healthy community in the digital world is built, and become the cornerstone of the development of the digital world in the future.

