“The Next Frontier in Health: How Digitalization is Charting a New Course”

Bernardita Fabres
Digital Society
Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2024
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In the digital age, the health sector faces a series of challenges and opportunities. Challenges include the aging population, the increase in chronic diseases, and a shortage of staff, among many others. On the other hand, the adoption of digital technologies has the potential to transform healthcare, improving efficiency, accessibility, and the quality of services through tools such as telehealth, electronic medical records (EMR), and artificial intelligence (AI) for diagnostics, as mentioned in “Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin” (2024).

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth experienced a significant boost, allowing for remote medical consultations and facilitating patient monitoring from their homes. According to Kruse et al. (2020), this has provided patients with better access to the health system, expanding its reach. However, it also poses challenges related to digital literacy and data privacy. Nevertheless, these concerns can be addressed through training focused on the responsible use of technology.

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Moreover, the use of AI for the analysis of medical images is revolutionizing the tracking of various diseases and medical diagnostics. According to Hosny et al. (2018), deep learning algorithms have the ability to identify patterns imperceptible to the human eye. However, their effectiveness depends on the availability of large data sets for training and the implementation of robust ethical regulations. The synergy between healthcare professionals, technology experts, and researchers can optimize the use of this technology.

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Furthermore, the influence of the digital age on health in our day-to-day lives is evident. Thanks to applications, mobile devices, and smartwatches, people can monitor and manage their health more effectively at different times of the day. As indicated by Haque et al. (2022), these “smart” tools have the potential to assist us in various aspects of our lives. Nonetheless, challenges related to user-centered design, information privacy, and the accuracy of the collected data arise. Therefore, medical guidance remains essential.

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Nowadays, most medical records are electronic, which is a very important tool for obtaining a patient’s medical history to provide and coordinate the best possible care. According to Krittanawong et al. (2023), the electronic documentation of patients’ medical history improves the quality of diagnosis, care, and reduces possible medical errors. However, the author raises challenges of compatibility with the health system, the workload for doctors, and patient privacy.

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Surgical robotics is increasingly used to perform various medical procedures. This reality is transforming the way doctors perform surgeries, improving precision and minimizing incisions. As demonstrated by Hussain et al. (2014), using surgical robotics can reduce the time it takes for an operation or medical procedure, reduce complications, decrease the size of scars, among other benefits. However, this requires significant investment from hospitals in acquiring the technology and in specialized training for its use and maintenance. This financial commitment does more than just enhance the results experienced by patients; it also signifies progress in the ongoing development of medical therapies, highlighting the crucial part that technology plays within contemporary healthcare practices.

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Virtual reality (VR) is increasingly recognized in the realm of mental health and pain management, serving as a versatile tool for therapy and patient rehabilitation across diverse conditions. Engaging in virtual exercises, patients witness enhanced mobility and diminished pain, yielding tangible improvements in their overall well-being. Beyond its physical benefits, exposure to virtual environments facilitates effective exposure therapies, stress reduction, and serves as a powerful distraction from pain, all of which play crucial roles in advancing the patient’s recovery journey. This seamless integration of virtual reality into healthcare not only underscores its potential to elevate patients’ quality of life but also signifies a transformative shift in therapeutic methodologies, paving the way for more personalized and effective interventions.

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The capabilities of computing and machine learning significantly drive the research and development of novel therapies and medications. These technologies can expedite drug discovery through virtual screening and the design of more efficient pharmaceutical compounds. Collaboration among academics, pharmaceutical companies, and artificial intelligence specialists is crucial for maximizing the efficacy of these innovative tools, promoting the creation of alliances. This interdisciplinary and collaborative approach signifies a transformative era in medical research, accelerating the pace of discovery. It marks a milestone in the evolution of medical research, propelling the development of cutting-edge treatments and medications, ushering in a new frontier of advanced healthcare solutions.

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As in image 4, today wellness and healthy style applications (as can be seen in image 9) are growing and are increasingly being used. These help the user monitor the physical activity performed, the number of steps, nutrition, the number of hours of sleep, among other habits. Digital health tools encourage the active participation of patients, facilitating the management and care of their health, as well as improving adherence to treatment. In addition, they optimize follow-up by integrating the data collected into the patient’s electronic medical record. These tools also promote continuity of care by allowing data exchange between professionals, especially beneficial in chronic diseases. In addition to providing significant savings in time and costs, health applications improve the efficiency of care, streamlining informed decision making and enabling 30% faster analysis of information.

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The digital era offers a unique opportunity to address the prevailing challenges in the healthcare sector. Tools like artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data can transform the way we diagnose and treat diseases. AI algorithms have the potential to analyze large volumes of patient data, identifying patterns imperceptible to humans, resulting in more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments.

Additionally, telemedicine and mobile health devices can significantly improve access to healthcare, especially in rural and remote areas. The implementation of electronic medical records will facilitate better coordination of care and reduce medical errors.

However, overcoming challenges such as data privacy, system interoperability and gaps in digital literacy will be essential. Establishing strong ethical and regulatory frameworks, forging public-private partnerships, and making considerable investments in infrastructure and training will be crucial. Responsibly embracing digital transformation will allow us to shape a more equitable, efficient and patient-oriented healthcare system in the future.

