TikTok: The Power of User Generated Content

Aidaras Lavrinovičius
Digital Society
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2020

TikTok is a social media video app focusing on content creation and entertainment. Its primary mission is to enable users’ creativity directly from their mobile phone. The Chinese-owned app has been downloaded more than 1.5 billion times.

TikTok was created in 2018 by merging Doyin (a popular video app in the East) and Musical.ly (popular in the West). Now, the popular app is on the market of more than 150 countries and is available in 75 languages. So young, yet so powerful TikTok competes with other social media giants.

What makes it so popular?

One of the answers is User-Generated-Content (UGC) used in their online communications. It is content created by unpaid contributors. In this case — ‘TikTokers’.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Message of UGC

TikTok’s social media channels focus on UGC and sprinkle it with witty captions. Most, if not all, online communications of TikTok are simply videos made by creators. Whether it is funny, satisfying, interesting or well-edited videos, the message of TikTok remains of the same.

Everyone can be a creator.

The all-inclusive creative app sounds appealing, doesn’t it? I bet you’re downloading it right now.

Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

UGC puts the customer first

Considering the interface of the app and its online communication, TikTok is very user-friendly. John Herrman (New York Times columnist) said: “Imagine a version of Facebook that was able to fill your feed before you’d friended a single person”.

TikTok climbs up the ladder and fights with other social media outlets for users’ attention. It is hard to keep up with ever-changing trends. Cost-efficient and authentic UGC comes in hand and allows catering to the needs of users.

Photo by yang miao on Unsplash

Creating the community

Every UGC post subliminally messages the idea that anyone can be a creator. Hence, UGC not only increases their reach, but also creates a brand persona and connects users to it.

TikTok’s online communication increases the engagement and builds the community in sync with the Gen Z needs. Gen Z consumers contain 41% of TikTok’s community. It is a population of 16–24-year-olds who grew up seeing the internet as a reality.

Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

Double win for everyone

UGC is a win-win strategy. Users gain followers from the exposure official TikTok channels give them. TikTok gets new users to download the app. It is a vicious circle. Mutualism. Spectacular, I know.

Marketing for Gen Z must be S-I-N-C (Short-Form, Influencer Driven, Native and Co-Created). Users are aware of their ability to impact the community and TikTok uses it for good. Online channels are full of UGC content. Shared emotional connection is communicated to existing and new customers.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

To put it in a nutshell, TikTok has a successful online presence. It is connected to the users, authentic and easy to use. In the fast-paced digital age, short and entertaining UGC content sparks joy for users and marketers and results in the rapid growth of the app. It simply. Makes. Money.



Aidaras Lavrinovičius
Digital Society

A second-year Psychology student at the University of Manchester and a fresh-out-of-the-oven writer storytelling through faces, places and spaces.