Topic : The Internet of Things (2018/19)

What is it and what does it mean for you?

Digital Society admin
Digital Society
2 min readJan 20, 2017


This is an archived version of a page from Digital Society 2018/9, to preserve content for past participants. See the main page for the latest materials.

Manchester students: work through this page and leave a comment before Mon week 5 (25th Feb).

As billions of devices, artifacts, and accessories are networked, will the Internet of Things (IoT) have beneficial or detrimental effects on the everyday lives of the public? Depending upon what you read, the IoT is already here; it’s sat next to you in this class, keeping you company on the bus home, or making sure your fridge is full.

Reading/watching 🎥

A slightly longer read….

[Video: Amazon robots] The future of warehouses? Transcript: Closed captioned version

Access the full reading list (all topics in one place plus optional reading)

What do you think?

After reading the above, try to answer these questions:

  • What are the future implications of the IoT for you and society?
  • How can the IoT benefit you directly?
  • Will IoT take your job and give you a new one?

Leave a comment

After accessing and thinking about the above, leave a comment below to share an idea, a question, or a response.


During the session, you will work in groups on a task. You will post a comment on this story to summarise your thoughts. Please use this template for your comment. Just copy and paste into a new comment and edit it as instructed.

