Masato Tobita (Toby)
Digital Society
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2019


Watch films Anytime and Anywhere: Netflix

On February 2019, Netflix original film “ROMA” won Best film at BAFTA (the British Academy of Film and Television Arts) awards. Moreover, this film got 10 nominations for 91st Academy Awards, which will be held on 24th February. This is a historic moment for the film industry. As you know, you can watch this film on Netflix, not in cinema. Netflix is not a film company, but streaming media. Finally, the age has arrived when a streaming media win prestigious awards such as BAFTA and Academy Awards.

What is Netflix?

Netflix, Inc. is an American company based in California, whose main product is the streaming media, Netflix. This company was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. Netflix is a streaming service that the subscribers are allowed to watch a variety of films, TV shows, documentaries, Animations and other videos. The biggest advantage of Netflix is its convenience. You don’t have to go to cinema or turn on TV to watch films and TV series anymore. All you need to do is just accessing to Netflix by your laptop or smart phones. This means that you can watch a variety of films anytime and anywhere if you have Internet access. Because of this convenience, the number of subscribers on Netflix has been increasing around the world, and it reached 137 million subscribers on October 2018 according to the shareholder-letter in 2018.

Photo by on Unsplash

Their online presence on Social Network

Netflix has several social network accounts such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to advertise new films and recommendations.

-Instagram (Netflix US)


-Twitter (Netflix US)

Interestingly, Netflix has several accounts on Instagram and Twitter. They use a different account depending on countries or areas, so you can find more than 10 accounts such as Netflix US, Netflix UK & Ireland, Netflix Japan and so on. What they post is completely different depending on each account. For example, Netflix Japan on Twitter tend to post the adverbs of Netflix Japan original TV series , but Netflix US does just retweet other account’s posts so much and less adverbs compared to Netflix Japan.

As I mentioned, Netflix original film “ROMA” won a famous film award in 2019. This event might change the way of film industry. As the number of subscribers on Netflix increases, Netflix can invest more money on film making. If this trend continues, Netflix will be regarded as one of the biggest film company as well as streaming media.



Masato Tobita (Toby)
Digital Society

from Japan. studying Economics, DataScience, Artificial Intelligence, Business. I am currently studying at the University of Manchester as an exchange student.