Writing your assessment
Guidance on writing your blog post, using screenshots, images, referencing your sources, creating an engaging post and finding useful information for your coursework.
When you have read the assessment information you might have a few questions around:
- How can I write in a blog style?
- Why do I need to read about finding copyright free images and attributing then correctly in my assessment?
- How do I reference the sources I have used in the assessments? Is it any different from how I referenced in my previous academic work?
- What’s so important about being critical in my writing?
- Where can i find information for my assessment?
In the Digital Society unit you have to submit three pieces of coursework (digisoc1, digisoc2 and digisoc3) in the form of blog posts using the Medium platform which is open and accessible to anyone.
This page has been written to support you around writing and creating your assessment blog posts.
Writing for the Digital Society
Having signed up to this unit you might be asking yourself what’s different about writing a blog post instead of an academic essay for your assessment? Is there anything you need to think about or read before you start writing your first post?
The page below will provide you with the guidance on writing your blog posts for the Digital Society.
Using and attributing images in your coursework
Using and attributing images properly and being critical in your coursework is highlighted in the learning outcomes and marking criteria so it is key in order for you to gain the highest marks.
So this means that in your coursework it is important to think about how you use and share information and develop your understanding of Intellectual property (IP) e.g. acknowledging the work of others.
The pages below will provide you with the guidance on using images and screenshots in your blog posts.
Referencing facts and ideas in your coursework.
Although Digital Society is probably a bit different from your usual academic courses we still expect you to reference correctly in your blog post submissions. Check out the this advice page for referencing in your coursework.
Creating a more effective and engaging blog post
You can publish a blog post quite easily on Medium but how about using its tools to create a more effective and engaging post? Access the link below for a range of extra tips on posting to Medium.
Finding relevant information for your assessments
The post below provides you with a number of useful and high quality market research resources that you can use in your assessment. They will be useful for each of the digisoc assessments.
Please email digisoc@manchester.ac.uk with any questions or problems.