Yes Theory: ‘Seek discomfort in their lives.’

Life’s greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside of your comfort zone.

Keyi Li
Digital Society
3 min readFeb 25, 2022


Yes Theory is a digital media brand built around one of YouTube’s most popular channel(7.25M subs), founded by Thomas Brag, Ammar Kandil, Matt Dajer, and Derin Emre. Their videos had billions of views and inspired millions of people.

In 2015, they published videos under the name of ‘Generation Y not’, in which they use weekly YouTube channel to promote a message of unity against fear with a public plea for harmony to against the Paris Terror. ‘Love Over Fear — YouTube’ Their behaviour and video inspired people and brought them a positive and uplifting impact related to ‘peace and love’.

Yes Theory’s YouTube Channel

Then they jointly established ‘Yes Theory’, a YouTube channel, at the invitation of others. It is not just a channel, but a digital media brand. It includes tourism, clothing and other brand consumption options.

Since Yes theory had created, their target is to ‘seek discount in their lives’. Their aim is to be ‘an intentionally non-politically biased, independently owned news organization, solely focused on facts that would be trusted by all major sides to report on the big events in the world.’


Twitter of Yes Theory

They had created their Twitter at the same time of YouTube channel. Twitter is the way that they published their ideas to the public and inspired their followers to engage.

Usually, they bless their followers on specific festivals and encouraged their followers through the sharing of famous sayings. They also ask some questions about people’s states to help them reflect and enhance the engagement of the community.

Sharing of famous saying

However, to have the brand awareness and loyalty, they used to publish some extreme but not wrong opinions which can be helpful to satisfy their slogan ‘Seek discomfort in their lives’. This may be a good solution to promote the engagement of the followers.

Sharing of opinions

Instagram and YouTube

Compared to Twitter, Instagram is a more life-opened media that people always share their recent lives with the photos and videos, but not the opinions about society or politics. For Yes Theory, they took Instagram as a supplement of their YouTube video and a way to propaganda their products.

Instagram of Yes Theory

For a YouTube video, it takes a long time to prepare and work hard to provide good video, especially for a team like Yes Theory. Each second in the video is meaningful. Therefore, Instagram can provide additional options related to the gags or normal lives. For their followers, Instagram helps them to know more about the organisation. With the promotion of both parties, the digital community can grow up and engagement between people can improve.

As an emerging digital media brand, Yes Theory is skilled in using platforms to provide followers with a variety of contents. On this basis, it publicizes its own culture and encourages positive and uplifting behavior.

